Sister Jo-Ann (Richard Clare) Flora

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is thank you, that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart

Thank you!

For my family who welcomed me into the world on February 2, 1942, rooted me in God and encouraged coloring outside the lines.

For SND second mothers at Rittenhouse Square, who nurtured and empowered the Class of 1959 and led us to the edge, saying “Fly!”

Thank you!

For wisdom figures – Mary, Julie and Françoise, Ignatius Loyola, Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, Henri Nouwen, John XXIII, Jan Richardson, Hildegard of Bingen, Francis Bergoglio.

For soul friends and mentors – my Sisters throughout the world and Associates in Notre Dame, brother Jesuits, lay and religious colleagues in educational and spiritual ministries.

Thank you!

For learning from the best at Ilchester, TC, GU, UCSD, Palau, Yale, NYU.

For sacred places of ministry – Collegeville, Glen Burnie, DC, Manresa, Easton, Gwynedd, Monroe, Philadelphia, Rome, New York City, Inisfada, Linwood, Kimwenza.

Thank you!

For the beauty of art and music, opera and ballet, poetry and drama.

For Renoir, Mozart, Shakespeare, Puccini, Fra Angelico, Debussy, Hafiz, Monet, Balanchine, Bernini, Levertov, Michelangelo, Verdi, Hopkins, Caravaggio, Rachmaninoff, Rumi, Van Gogh and all kindred spirits.

Thank you to our Good God!

Who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by God’s power at work within us!


St. Eleanor School, Collegeville, Md. – Teacher, Grade 7
Holy Trinity High School, Glen Burnie, Md. – Teacher (English & Latin)
Trinity College, Washington, DC – Assistant/Associate Professor (Linguistics, Greek)
University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, N.M. – Vice President for Academic Affairs
Villa Maria College, Erie, Pa. – Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stonehill College, North Easton, Mass. – Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa. – Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mercy Volunteer Corps, Gwynedd, Pa. – Development Director
SNDdeN Chesapeake Unit, Baltimore, Md. – Mission Advancement Coordinator
Jubilee Community Center, Rome, Italy — Administrator
Loyola School, New York, NY – Director of Adult Faith Formation
SNDdeN Chesapeake Province/US E-W Province – Coordinator of Chesapeake Associates
Spiritual Director/Retreat Facilitator – Various Locations, from 1978 to present