Sr. Judith Cooper

“I have told you this so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.” – John 15:11

I was an only child, but lived on street that had lots of other kids so I had a fun extended family. After going to public school for six years, in 7th grade I transferred to Notre Dame Academy in Roxbury. It took me over 45 minutes to get to school (bus, trackless trolley, an elevated train and another bus) but I loved it. I stayed there through high school.

I always thought the Sisters who taught there were warm and caring and since my dad had two sisters who were SNDdeNs my parents had no objections to me entering the novitiate. As a novice I remember telling my parents, “There’s a right way, a wrong way and a Notre Dame way of doing everything!”

I’ve loved every place I’ve ministered. From the small parish schools like St. Thomas in Peabody to Central Catholic High School in Lawrence. At first it was an all boys school and later became co-ed. It was an amazing school because we reached out to all nationalities and had children from all income levels.

I now teach at the Notre Dame Education Center helping adults read and prepare to take citizenship tests. I also help retreatants feel welcome at our Spirituality Center.

It doesn’t seem possible that in 2019 I marked 60 years as a Sister, but am grateful for the many ways I’ve been blessed and the people I’ve come to know—Sisters, children, parents.