Sister Kathleen (Eleanor Patricia) Haughey

The Thread
Something is very gently,
Invisibly, silently,
pulling at me–a thread …
a stirring of wonder makes me
catch my breath when I feel
the tug of it …

Denise Levertov

Kathleen Haughey entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the name Sister Eleanor Patricia.

At the time of her 70th Jubilee as a Sister, she wrote the following reflection:

It is August of my 70th year in Notre Dame. I have been gently, wondrously thinking about a lot of those threads in my life—the threads before and since Aug. 6, 1950. I think of memories of 12 years of my youth in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, that included Saturday catechesis and reception of the Sacraments at St. Isaac Jogues Jesuit Novitiate. My siblings and I nicknamed our Novice teachers “Baby-teeth” and “Cookie!" Then, we lived for six years in Philadelphia before I entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. I still marvel at the education I received at West Philadelphia Catholic Girls High School, where I met the impressive SNDdeN.

Ministries I have served still inform my very being. Did I ever dream they would include Scotland, Nigeria, Mexico and the Title I Program in Baltimore City (Parochial and Public Schools)? Currently, life-giving service includes volunteer pastoral ministry with my beloved St. Thomas More Parish and Notre Dame Associates.

Messengers I feel so grateful for have led me on my journey. This thread I like to think of as the Holy Spirit in my life. I could name so many messengers beginning with my family, friends, teachers, mentors and caregivers … especially my Sisters of Notre Dame who have loved, nourished and counseled me and put up with my many stories!

My brother John (RIP) and I often talked about the sacredness of each person’s story. We would recite the verse of the hymn “Precious Assurance”: “This is my story, this is my song …” My parish began to sing it, too! I sang it with the nursing home residents where I minister for the parish! My story is full of grateful memories, incredible ministries and God-sent messengers.

There is not as yet a closing. As I write I am mindful of those who entered with me 70 years ago. Some are in the Cloud of Witnesses; some still carrying out the mission of Jesus along with us SNDdeN. God bless us all!