Sr. Marie St Henry Bedard (1929-2020)

Sister Marie Bedard, SNDdeN, was born in Salem, MA. with the given name Lorraine.

The daughter of the late Henry and Rachel (Brilliant) Bedard, Sister Marie graduated from St. Mary's High School in Lynn and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She later graduated and from Emmanuel College in Boston in 1963 with a degree in Education and Psychology.

She received a master's degree in Elementary Education in 1974 from Salem State College.

Sister Marie taught at schools affiliated with the Sisters of Notre Dame for 25 years, including St. James School in Salem; St. Margaret School in Beverly Farms; St. John School in Peabody; and St. Mary's School in Lynn. She also taught in Somerville, Cambridge, and Winchester.

Sister Marie became the Director of Religious Education at St. Mary's Parish in Lynn in 1976 and remained on the parish staff for 20 years. Among her duties, she raised funds for the parish and was a parish bookkeeper, before retiring.

A reflection about Sr. Marie by Sr. Kristin Hokanson, SNDdeN:

We remember with gratitude the life of our Sister Marie St. Henry Bedard who died on May 9, 2020. During her seventy-one years in the community, Marie taught in a number of Notre Dame Schools in Massachusetts. She spent many years in St. Mary's, Lynn as a teacher in the school and as director of the religious education program in the parish. The city of Lynn was always near and dear to her heart as was St. Mary High School from which she graduated.

Wherever she went, Marie Saint (as she was often called) became well-known in the neighborhood. She loved to walk around the neighborhood and frequent the Dunkin Donut shops and convenience stores. She loved working Bingo at St. Mary's and at Pope John XXIII High School because it gave her a chance to be with the people of the neighborhood. While at Pope John, she was a "Jill of all trades" in the main office, helping out with whatever needed to be done.

She especially liked to take walks to the bank because it gave her a chance to be out and about in the neighborhood. She had a particular gift of outreach to the elderly. Within any community in which she lived, she would find a way to connect with seniors and try to brighten their day. I am still often asked by Everett residents, "How is Sister Marie Saint?" She made an impact on many lives. May she rest in peace. 

Sister Marie leaves a brother, Henry E. Bedard, of Danvers and Florida; and a sister, Joan Salkins, of Vermont; nephews, nieces, several cousins, and her religious family, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.

She was predeceased by her brother Ronald Bedard.