Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Cemetery Project
By Sister Evelyn McKenna, SNDdeN. This article appeared in the Summer 2022 edition of Sowing Goodness, exerted from the SNDdeN U.S. eNewsletter, July 2022.
One day nearly two years ago, we were gathered as a group of friends and the topic of cemeteries arose because of the recent death of another of our close friends. As the conversation proceeded, we came to realize that the topic was an important one for us, since over the years the provinces in the Northeast had reconfigured several times. We formed a Cemetery Care Group to address this issue. Our initial research showed us that in the 1800s some SNDdeN who had entered in Waltham, Massachusetts were later missioned to Maryland, Connecticut, various parts of Massachusetts and elsewhere. Records, including those for cemeteries, were kept in various province offices and archives and we had to account for Sisters buried in parish cemeteries. It was evident that the condition of these cemeteries and headstones would also be a focus of our voluntary research.
Our next step was to coordinate various cemetery lists. The members of the Group chose one or more of these locations to visit and confirm the correct listing as well as the condition of each burial place. We found that because of changes in the various province configurations over the years, there were some errors in records and we made corrections on our lists. Where gaps existed, we were in contact with some of our archivists. Over the two years of research, the lists for every cemetery were compiled, checked and confirmed many times over.
"As each of us made many visits to these locations we began to feel a special connection with the Sisters of long ago—or not-so-long ago. It was an inspiring experience."
Sister Evelyn McKenna
What is the result of this research? There is now a listing for all 18 of the cemeteries in the former Boston and Ipswich Provinces where Sisters are buried plus directions or maps for finding every grave in each of these. There is now at least one Sister who has committed to paying an occasional visit to one of these sacred spaces to assure its proper condition.This cemetery project drew us even closer to our wonderful Sisters. We honor them and thank them for their lives and service over so many years. As Sister Anne Cyril, SNDdeN frequently reminded us, we are standing on the shoulders of giants.
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