Noreen Morgan’s ministries have included teaching in Notre Dame elementary schools in California and Hawaii, working in adult religious education, and serving within the Notre Dame de Namur community. Sister views her years in religious life as a garden of great beauty and variety and is grateful.
“Like everyone, and like the garden,” she says, “over the years, I have experienced both light and darkness, which somehow has led me to love the beauty of nature.” This appreciation for Earth along with opportunities for spiritual development, has led Sister Noreen to study environmental issues and participate with the Notre Dame de Namur Sisters and various environmental groups in efforts to protect our local and global natural resources.
She also enjoys attending monthly presentations at Sophia Center, Holy Names University, and participating in a woman's wisdom circle and a Liturgy group.
Noreen’s long-time friends appreciate her creative and loving spirit. Sister Karen Pozniak, SNDdeN appreciates Noreen’s regular phone calls that help her stay in touch. Together they have hiked Bernal Falls in Yosemite, spent time in the redwoods and walked the beach. Another friend, Marlene DeNardo, appreciates Sister Noreen’s ability to live “outside the box” and to bring her own brand of freedom and wisdom to life situations. “She is willing to follow her own deepest personal beliefs, especially her passion and love for Earth, for community, dance, music, beauty and life. What exuberance and spontaneity–is this not what Jesus recommends – to be as little children?!”