The spirituality of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur is characterized by the call to discover and become the very goodness of God in our world. We embrace our mission, seeking life in abundance for all. We commit ourselves to deepen our relationships with:
- God
- One another
- Those living in poverty
- The whole of creation
Our spirituality embraces faith, prayer, education, social justice and environmental stewardship. It is a spirituality that calls for a commitment to serving others and a continuous journey of personal and communal growth.

Submit Prayer Requests
We invite you to submit your prayer requests so the Notre Dame de Namur Sisters, Associates, alumni and friends can pray with you for your intentions.
Prayer Index
Discover our list of prayers for hope, courage and comfort or special occasions and seasons. Let us join together to support one another in spiritual prayer.

Days of Special Prayer
February 2 – Foundation Day for the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (1804)
April 8 – Death of St. Julie (1816)
May 13 – Feast of St. Julie
June 22 – Canonization Day (1969)
July 12 – St. Julie’s Birthday (1751)
Notre Dame Spirituality Center
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur East-West Province operate a spirituality center in Ipswich, Massachusetts, where they offer a variety of workshops, retreats and days of prayer for both individuals and groups.
Reflections, Prayers and Poems
Nearly all of the following were written by Sisters of Dame de Namur:
- Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeNOn January 10, 2025, Sant'Egidio honored the life and legacy of honor Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN at a ceremony in the Church of San Bartolomeo all’Isola in Rome, Italy. Twenty years ago, Sister Dorothy was murdered for her work in advocating
- Reflection on our Tenth AnniversaryBy Sister Ann Howard, SNDdeN This article was originally published in our Winter 2024 issue of Sowing Goodness. IN 2014, FIVE PROVINCES of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur— California, Boston, Ipswich, Chesapeake and Connecticut— merged to form the
- Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 22, 2024 – Sister Lucyane Diniz, SNDdeNGlimpses of God's Goodness are published for all Sundays and Feast Days at www.sndden.org, the international website of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. December 22, 2024 Luke 1: 39-45 To move, to set out, to get on the road, to