Notre Dame Mission Volunteers Hold 2024 Mid-Year Conference

Members of the Notre Dame Mission Volunteers-AmeriCorps (NDMVA) gathered over Presidents' Day weekend for the Mid-Year Conference, an annual event which offers professional and personal development and networking opportunities. Attendees included all full benefit members, 2 EAP members, NDMV Staff, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and NDMV Board and Trusted Partners.

Before the Notre Dame Mission Volunteers came to be, The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur co-foundresses Julie Billiart and Francoise Blin de Bourdon bonded together by a similar commitment towards a life of service. Their dedication to serve others united them and gave them the ability to lead in their own ways while working toward a common goal of bringing goodness into the world. The roots of NDMVA are grounded in the theme of leading together.

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This year's Mid-Year Conference theme, leading together, is also grounded in one of the Sisters’ Hallmarks: We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve. The ability to lead together can begin with coming together and centering our hearts and minds toward the common goal of serving the people in our communities.

Leading together requires the confidence to walk freely in your gifts while having the humility to encourage others to do the same.


Notre Dame Mission Volunteers follows the Sisters of Notre Dame tradition of building learning communities through service.


Members and volunteers serve alongside communities to expand access to education.


Members seek to improve the access to education for communities and individuals in order to help them reach their full potential.