Sister Carol (Leo Patrice) Hood

“Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

I am one of nine children–the oldest girl and with that came a lot of responsibilities for my younger siblings. We had a very happy childhood in the ‘40s and ‘50s that included playing in the streets! I enjoyed playing sports, such as baseball and softball, and played basketball through high school.

I went to Catholic school and met Sisters I admired. They were kind and I was attracted to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in that way.

As a novice, I counseled high school girls. I looked them in the eye and listened. A lot of the girls hadn’t experienced that before. I very much enjoyed counseling for that reason.

I was a 7th and 8th grade teacher for 12-15 years in several locations. I also taught French. On my first day, I walked into a classroom of 45 young women. I was scared stiff! They were very, very expectant and optimistic about being there.

I stopped teaching for health reasons and became a counselor afterwards for 32 years (ages 4-14). The high school girls had a lot of experiences in their lives. Just like in sports, I was a coach for their emotional and spiritual life. It was also wonderful to be able to interact with young kids, especially 3rd and 4th grade kids when they start to understand the most.

I have now retired and volunteer at St. Julie’s house with my housemates, including Sr. Louise Kearns. We have lived together for 50 years.

This 60th Jubilee (2019) I am most grateful throughout the years for my sisterhood. There is so much purpose in the world and knowing that God is walking alongside me as my counselor and my advisor and that is what I value the most. I also pull strength from St. Julie and all that she had to struggle with in her life.