Sister Christine Elizabeth Allen (1929-2020)

Sister Christine was born in Somerville as Isabelle Rose Allen, daughter of Charles and Bella (Doherty) Allen. She graduated from St. Joseph's High School in Somerville. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a concentration in Mathematics. She later earned a master's degree in Mathematics from Fairfield University in Connecticut. Sister Christine entered the

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Sister Ellen (Julie Stephen) Agritelley

Sister Ellen Agritelley (formerly known as Sister Julie Stephen) was born and raised in New Britain, Connecticut, where her father owned and operated a popular diner.  She grew up with her two older brothers and sister.  All the family members worked in the diner where they learned the value of hard work. She attended a

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Sister Ann Carmel Badalamente

Sister Ann Carmel Badalamente, SNDdeN, says that her first exposure to the Notre Dame Sisters was as a student at Sacred Heart Elementary School in downtown San Jose and later, at Notre Dame High School. When several of her friends were entering the convent after high school, Sister Ann chose instead to work in the

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Sister Elaine Margaret Bain, SNDdeN

“Nothing happens by chance, but by the goodness and wisdom of God.” – St. Julie  Sister Elaine Margaret Bain, SNDdeN was born in Scotland to Thomas and Evelyn Bain. When she was two, her family relocated to Zimbabwe where she grew up with her brother and sister, John and Patricia. While still in Zimbabwe, Sister

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Sister Ann Bernadette "Bernie" Barnes (1932-2020)

A generous, multi-talented person, Sister Ann Bernadette Barnes, SNDdeN, was a lifetime believer in the power of education. Sister Ann Bernadette was known for her commitment to the Blessed Mother, and her insistence on the equality of women’s voices in the Church and national affairs. She also loved the color purple. The older daughter of

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Sister Barbara Barry

"And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." -John 17:3 In the summer of 1969, we experienced a manned moon landing and the canonization of a peasant woman from Cuvilly, France.  Sister Barbara Barry, SNDdeN, was 18 at the time, and had

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Sr. Catherine Louise Beauregard

Sister Catherine Louise Beauregard, SNDdeN, was born Gloria Rita Beauregard in Lowell, MA, to parents William and Catherine (McKenzie) Beauregard. In 1950, Sister Catherine entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, taking the name Sr. Catherine Louise. She took her first vows in 1953, and perpetual vows in 1958. Sister Catherine served as teacher

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Sr. Marie St Henry Bedard (1929-2020)

Sister Marie Bedard, SNDdeN, was born in Salem, MA. with the given name Lorraine. The daughter of the late Henry and Rachel (Brilliant) Bedard, Sister Marie graduated from St. Mary's High School in Lynn and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She later graduated and from Emmanuel College in Boston in 1963 with

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Remembering Sister Monica Belber (1943 – 2023)

Sister Monica Belber, SNDdeN, was born on February 18, 1943, in Middle VIllage, New York, to parents John and Lily Maceda. She entered on March 20, 2004, took her first vows on February 5, 2005, and final vows on February 2, 2008. Sister Monica earned her BS in Education from State University of New York

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Sister Judianne Beltz

“Glory be to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20 Sister Judianne Beltz, SNDdeN, grew up in Springfield, Mass. with her parents and older sister, Marijane. Sister Judianne ("Judi") attended public schools and catechism classes taught by Sisters of St. Joseph. Her mother was

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Sister Joan (Marie Estelle) Bernhart

Sister Joan's mother remembers her saying, perhaps in the fifth or sixth grade, "I'm going to be a Sister." As a student at Notre Dame High School, San José, Sister Joan admired Sisters who were young, vibrant and dynamic teachers with a sense of humor and freedom of spirit. Sister Joan entered the postulate at

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Sister Linda Bessom - SNDdeN

Sr. Linda Bessom

Sister Linda Bessom, SNDdeN, entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1964.

Sister Marlene (Edward St. Anne) Biasiello – 60-Year Jubilarian

“Faith is having the courage to believe that God will do it before you see it.” Sister Marlene Biasello (formerly Sister Edward St. Anne), SNDdeN, entered religious life on August 11, 1957 at Ilchester, MD. She now ministers as a Support Coordinator for other Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. On the occasion of her

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Sister Mary Louise (Catherine Anthony) Blanchard

“Souls of faith are unshaken by all the events of life.” – Julie Billiart Sister Mary Louise Blanchard entered into the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1953. “I think I was destined, when I was a baby,” she says with a laugh, recalling how, as an infant, her grandmother brought her to meet

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Sister Claudia (Claudia Andre) Blanchette

“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” -John 10:10 Born and raised in Tewksbury, Mass., Sister Claudia Blanchette, SNDdeN, was encouraged by a high school teacher to apply to Emmanuel College in Boston. This serendipitous advice led her to not only apply, but also receive a scholarship

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Sister Lois Marie Blessing (1937-2021)

Sister Lois Marie Blessing, SNDdeN, was a Baltimore native who was raised in St. Ursula Parish in Parkville, MD. She was the daughter of George A. and Marjorie F. (née McLean) Blessing. In August 1957, Sister Lois entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and made her final vows in July 1965. She taught

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Sister Yvonne (Marie Denise) Bondi

“Pay attention to the voice of the spirit within you.” – St. Julie Billiart As Sister Yvonne Bondi, SNDdeN, remembers it, Sisters had always been a part of her life. As children, Sister Yvonne and her brother John attended Sacred Heart School, and later, she attended Notre Dame High School—both in San Jose, California. “The

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Sr. Gertrude (Mary Joachim) Boracca

Sister Gertrude Boracca, SNDdeN was raised in Aromas, California, amidst the serenity of an apple orchard, by her parents, Emily and Manuel, and older brother, Bill. Her childhood was marked by poignant memories, such as her father’s act of kindness, handing apples to soldiers aboard trains passing through the orchard during the tumultuous times of

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Sr. Mary Ann Boretti

“Of his fullness, we’ve all had a share, love following upon love.” John 1:16 “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror." Rainer Maria Rilke,“Go to the Limits of Your Longing.” With a Belgian heritage and a mother named Julie, Sister Mary Boretti, SNDdeN seemed almost predestined to become a Sister of Notre Dame de

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Sister Jeanette (Marie Pierre) Braun

“Continue to love one another… and remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this, some have entertained angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:2) Reflecting on her sixty-plus years as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, Sister Jeanette (Marie Pierre) Braun, SNDdeN, sees a common thread woven through all of her ministries. Her loving

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Sister Ann (Ann Mildred) Brennan

Ann Brennan, SNDdeN and her older brother were raised in Milton, Massachusetts. Their parents, Albert and Mildred (Davenport) Brennan, wanted the children to have a Catholic education, so both attended St. Gregory School in Dorchester, Massachusetts. They were taught by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Sister Ann recalls in the sixth grade, one of

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Sister Marietta Thomas Brown

“Have courage and confidence in God.” -St. Julie Billiart Sister Marietta Brown, SNDdeN is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, received her early education in public school and happily enrolled in Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. Here, she met our sisters, and it did not take her long to fall in love with St.

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Sister Marie Barbara Buckley (1914 – 2015)

Sister Marie Barbara, SNDdeN, 100 years old and a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 76 years, died peacefully on June 25, 2015, at Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland. Born in Coalinga, California, and the youngest of six children, Kathleen Buckley was a very independent, self-described “tomboy” who intended to be a

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Sr. Gemma Julie (Genevieve Julie) Buggle

Sister Gemma Julie Buggle, SNDdeN was born Dorothy Gemina Buggle in Dublin, Ireland. Her parents were Joseph and Dorothy (Barnewall) Buggle. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Genevieve Julie. Sister Gemma took her first vows in 1963 and perpetual vows in 1968.

Sister Carolyn (Mary Charles) Buhs

Carolyn Buhs, SNDdeN made her first contact with Notre Dame at St. Dunstan School in Millbrae, California. Her fourth-grade teacher, Sister Marie Joseph, became a lifelong friend and mentor. The story of then "Blessed" Julie Billiart made a deep impression. To Sister Carolyn, St. Julie became a real person and influential in her choice to

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Sister Marie Annette Burkart

Looking back, Sister Marie Annette, SNDdeN finds herself filled with a twofold gratitude – to God and to Notre Dame. As she expresses it: “The Sisters of Notre Dame have gifted me and invited me to serve in a variety of ways – as an educator, liturgist, vocation minister, chaplain and spiritual director. I never

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Sister Joan (Rosemary) Burke

It is no surprise that Sister Joan Burke, SNDdeN, speaks of the globe as “my village.” Sister Joan has worked in different parts of Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Kenya) for most of her decades as an SNDdeN. Where she has been and what she has done is quite incredible. It all began

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Sr. Marie Frances (Mary Martin) Burke

Sister Marie Frances Burke, SNDdeN was born in Hartford, Connecticut, on September 14, 1933, to Martin and Mary (O’Leary) Burke. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1954, taking the name Sister Mary Martin, though she later returned to her birth name. Sister Marie Frances took her first vows in 1956 and

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Sister Eileen Burns

Sister Eileen Burns, SNDdeN, is a member of the leadership team of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur's U.S. East-West Province. Sister Eileen earned a bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and master’s in ministry with a focus in justice and peace from Seattle University. Sister Eileen lives in

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Sr. Natalie Bussiere

Sister Natalie Bussiere, SNDdeN, entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956.

Sister Patricia (Maureen St. Patrick) Butler

Patricia, Pat or Patty as friends and family call her, was born on August 4, 1944, in Boston. She grew up in a small city called Chelsea about 25 minutes from metropolitan Boston.   Growing up in a mixed Polish, Irish and Italian neighborhood was a gift.  Being of Polish and Irish extraction herself, she was

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Sister Catherine St. John Byrne (1931 – 2020)

Sister Catherine St. John was born Anne Byrne, and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1949. While most Sisters were missioned to places geographically close to their province centers, Sister Catherine St. John served at schools in Massachusetts, Iowa, California and Hawaii. She spent 14 years in Hawaii, and in 1959 was

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Sr. Carol Cahill

Sister Carol Cahill, SNDdeN, entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1954 

Sister Janet (James Adele) Cahill

Janet Cahill, SNDdeN, grew up in a family of six. Her father was a traveling salesman and part-time football official, and while he was away her mother held down the fort in the Philadelphia suburb where they lived. Sister Janet appreciated her parents’ loving relationship, and always felt that they understood her. Her first encounter

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Sr. Sheila Callaghan (1937-2020)

Sheila P. Callaghan, SNDdeN, passed away at the Kaplan House in Danvers, Mass, early Saturday morning, February 1st, 2020, after a very brief illness. The beloved daughter of Irish immigrants, the late William and Julia (Lucey) Callaghan, Sr. Sheila was born in Boston, one of four children. Raised and educated in Roslindale, Mass., she was

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In Remembrance—Sr. Claire (Ann Bernadette) Callahan (1922-2020)

Clare Callahan, SNDdeN, died Sunday, April 19, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center in Worcester, Ma. She was 98. Sister Claire was born in Boston to Michael D. and Julia A. (Duggan) Callahan. Sister Claire graduated from St. Gregory's High School in Dorchester, and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1939

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Sister Kathryn Camacho

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens." These words from Ecclesiastes hold significance for Kathryn Camacho, SNDdeN, because her journey to become Sister Kathryn Camacho did not follow the traditional roadmap. It was a decision that needed its own time. Born and raised in Sacramento, CA, Sister

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In Remembrance—Sister June (Andrew) Canoles (1929 – 2020)

Sister June Delight Canoles was born June 21, 1929. She loved life, adventure, people, humor, teaching and entertaining. I n her early days in community, she excelled as a first-grade teacher. Her community remembers how her fun ways kept them all sane. As a principal, she was full of surprises-even riding a motorcycle into a

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Sister Janice (Thomas Christina) Carmen

"How Good is the Good God!"  -St. Julie Billiart In 1943, Janice Carmen, SNDdeN, was born in Newton, MA, joining her older sister, Joan. In her early years, Sister Janice spent a great deal of time with her paternal grandparents, as her mother worked in a factory and her father drove a truck. She credits

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Sister Madeline (Madeline St. Charles) Carrabino

Growing up, family meant the world to Madeline Carrabino, SNDdeN.  Born Santa L. Carrabino in Brighton, MA, Sister Madeline was blessed to have three older siblings and one younger. Her brothers, Joe and John, were  13½ and 8½ years older, and her sister Mary was 11½ older. Younger brother Charlie was born four years after

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Sister Natalia (Mary Benigna) Carrasco

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.” – From Matthew 5:1-12 Sister Natalia Carrasco was born in San Francisco, Calif., first generation Mexican-American. She was the second oldest with five siblings, three brothers and a sister. The children all went to Catholic elementary school and a variety of high schools

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Sister Maureen Casey

"I am profoundly touched by the kindness of our Good God and I encourage all of you to have a boundless confidence in the Good God and to seek the Good God in everything." St. Julie Billiart I was the oldest of seven children and loved being part of a large family. In high school

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Sister Rose Casey

"Time – O Lord, how swiftly it seems to fly. Thank you for reminding me that there is time enough for what You have planned for my life." The above favorite quote was offered by Sister Rose Casey. And to quote herself, “It’s hard to believe that it has been 60 years, with very positive

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Sr. Kathleen Therese Cassidy

Sister Kathleen Therese was born Mary Cassidy in Portland, Maine, to parents John and Virginia (Ellis) Cassidy. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1960, took her first vows in 1963 and perpetual vows in 1968. Sister Kathleen lives in Ipswich, MA. In 2022, she was awarded with a Cheverus Award medal by the

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Sister Mary Jane (St. Anthony) Cavallo

“The Lord has done great things for me.” Luke 1:49 I am the youngest of five children born to Anthony and Isabelle (Dwyer) Cavallo. My dad was born in Calabria, Italy, and mom in St. John, Newfoundland, Canada. We say we are Gaelic and Garlic! My parents were hard workers sustained by their deep faith.

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Sister Patricia Chappell

Patty Chappell, SNDdeN, is a native of New Haven, Connecticut. Sister Patricia earned an undergraduate degree in psychology and social work, then a master's from Catholic University of America's National Catholic School of Social Service in Washington, D.C. After years as a community organizer, Sister Patricia entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in

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Sister Marie-Rose (Rose Pauline) Charpentier

“Pray that the Holy Spirit may guide and direct me in all my actions, that all may be done for the greater glory of God.” – St. Julie I was the oldest of three children and learned to be responsible at an early age. When we were young our mother has serious health issues. We

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Sr. Nancy Citro

Sr. Nancy Citro was born in Cambridge and grew up in Somerville, MA. Sr. Nancy entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1979. She is currently Pastoral Associate of St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish, in Charlestown, MA.  

Sr. Eleanor Clancy

Sister Eleanor Clancy entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1957  

Sister Mary (Catherine Angela) Clancy (1935-2021)

Sister Mary was a fun-loving person who was always eager to help others. Born in Woburn, Massachusetts, she was the daughter of Alfred and Marguerite (Shaughnessy) Clancy. In 1953, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur as Sister Catherine Angela. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a degree in Latin. Later,

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Sr. Karen (Ignatius) Coakley

Sister Karen was born in Springfield, MA, to parents  John and Josie (Murray) Coakley. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Sr. Ignatius. She took her first vows in 1963 and perpetual vows in 1968. Sister is now retired, and volunteers as a tutor at the Notre Dame

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Sister Leonore (Leonore Julie) Coan

“Teach them what they need to know to live.”“Better mistakes than paralysis.” -St. Julie Billiart Sister Leonore Coan was one of five children—two boys and three girls—born to parents John and Eleanor (Nevins) Coan in Peabody, Mass. She and her siblings attended St. John the Baptist School in Peabody, where they were taught by Sisters

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Sister Margaret Philip Coffey

“Better mistakes than paralysis.” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Margaret Philip Coffey has happy memories of her family life in New Britain, Conn. with her three older siblings—Stephen, Ann and Catherine. They always looked out for each other, and they were loved unconditionally by their parents, Stephen and Mary (Narsaviche) Coffey, who chose the name

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Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN

Sister Josita Colbert

Sister Josita Colbert is a lifelong educator, champion for vocations outreach and a person who has spent her entire life working for justice and equality for the Black Community and People of Color. She has been a member of several Civil Rights groups throughout her ministry is on the boards of several organizations including the

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Sister Martin de Porres Coleman

I was born in El Dorado, Arkansas, and grew up there in the Methodist Church, which was a segregated Church. Sunday School and other church activities for children always included music, singing and speaking. This was teaching and learning about God, and our history. Children were also taught that what gifts/talents we were given were

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Sr. Barbara (Barbara St. George) Collins

Sister Barbara was born in Somerville, MA, to parents Frank and Dorothy (Eagan) Collins and has two siblings. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Barbara St. George. Sr. Barbara earned degrees from Emmanuel College in history and education, a master's degree in religious education/pastoral ministry from Fairfield

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Sister Lorraine Connell

“Better mistakes than paralysis.” -St. Julie Billiart Lorraine Connell grew up in the Boston area, with one younger sister. She was first exposed to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur while at student at St. Mark School in Dorchester, Mass. “There was only one lay teacher,” she remembers. “All 23 other classrooms had SNDdeN

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Sr. Patricia Conner (1949-2020)

Sister Patricia Joy Conner, 71, died Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester, MA. Sister Pat was born in Lansing, Michigan, daughter of Samuel H. and Maud (Quinn) Conner. She grew up and spent many summers on Long Island, Maine. She graduated in 1967 from Ridgewood High School in

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Sister Marie St. Barbara Connolly

Sister Marie St. Barbara was born Kathleen Joan Connolly and baptized at St. Joseph Church in Somerville. She was one of nine children. Theirs was a happy home and when “Kay” began to sense her call to religious life, she asked her mother—who told her to ask her father—and they concluded that they were not

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Sr. Mary Michael Connolly

Sister Mary Michael Connolly was born Loretta Ann Connolly in Woburn, MA, to parents were John and Mary (Kelley) Connolly. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, takikng the name Sr. Mary Michael. She took her first vows in 1953 and perpetual vows in 1958. She taught in East Boston, Lynn

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Remembering Sister Ann Marie Connolly (1934-2023)

"I am with you always." -Matthew 28:30 Ann Marie Connolly, SNDdeN was the eldest of five children born in Boston to John and Mary (Flaherty) Connolly. Both were immigrants from Ireland and were very traditional Catholics. The family prayed together daily while kneeling on the kitchen floor and the children often heard their parents say,

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Sister Carol (Francis Veronica) Connor (1936-2021)

Sister Carol Ann Connor, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, entered eternal life on September 30th, 2021 at Mount Notre Dame Health Center in Cincinnati, Ohio at the age of 84. Sister Carol was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 25th, 1936, to Francis Joseph and Mary Veronica Connor and is the sister of the

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Sr. Margaret Connor

“This is what Yahweh asks of you, only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.”   Micah 6:8  Sister Margaret Connor, SNDdeN was the sixth of nine children born to Mary Veronica Julia Connors and Francis Joseph Connor in Washington, D.C.  Her family had a deep connection to the

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Sister Phyllis (Julie Patrice) Cook

While inspired by St. Julie Billiart’s simplicity and loving spirit, Phyllis Cook wasn't attracted to religious life, herself.. “I’m not the type!” she exclaimed to people who thought she might be “Sister material.” But when Phyllis started looking more closely at the Sisters who taught at the College of Notre Dame where she was a

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Sister Georgianna Coonis

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and hope. -Jeremiah 29:11 Priscilla Jo Coonis met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur as a first grader at St. Columbkille School in Los Angeles. She loved the school, loved the

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Sr. Judith Cooper

“I have told you this so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.” – John 15:11 I was an only child, but lived on street that had lots of other kids so I had a fun extended family. After going to public school for six years, in 7th grade

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Sister Sissy/Katherine (Thomas Mary) Corr

Sister Sissy Corr wrote the following on the occasion of her Jubilee in 2019: I was born into a large and loving family and extravagantly blessed by their love. Through Notre Dame God called me and gave me many opportunities to grow my heart as wide as the world…the family of God. From my early

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Sister Mary Corripio

Sister Mary Corripio was born and raised in Louisiana through high school. She decided that she wanted a Catholic women's education when she went to college, and decided to attend the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur's Trinity College (now Trinity Washington University). After college, she went to Japan to teach English for a year,

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Sister Ruth (Richard) Creedon

I was taught by the Sisters starting in the first grade and was in Notre Dame schools from 7th to 12th. I had a great devotion to prayer and the idea of joining the Sisters was with me even when I was young. I entered Notre Dame right after high school in 1959. My daily

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Sister Mary Rose Crowley

“Better mistakes than paralysis!” is a favorite quote by St. Julie Billiart of Sister Mary Rose Crowley, SNDdeN, who celebrated her 60th Jubilee year in 2021. Gratitude is her theme song. Sister Mary grew up in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, with her two older brothers and her parents. Her father worked at the Post Office, and

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Sister Margaret "Peggy" Cummins

Sister Margaret Cummins entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1967. She served for many years at Bakhita House, a safe house for survivers of human trafficking – "a home where love heals." About her work there, she says: "Sometimes, this was as simple as noticing and honoring the women's presence — vowing

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Sister Theresa (Rose Frances) Cunningham (1926-2022)

Sister Theresa Cunningham went home to her good God on October 6, 2022, at age 96 after serving 77 years as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. Sister Theresa was born in Wext Roxbury, Mass., to parents Francis and Rose (Branley) Cunningham. She had eight siblings. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de

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Sister Adrienne (Marie Adrienne) Curran

'Talk much to our Lord in peace and calm." -St Julie Billiart I grew up in East Boston, which used to be called Noodle’s Island before my time. It was surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean–our own swimming hole!—and the Chelsea Creek, which was a docking place for oil tankers. My parents were first generation Irish

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Sister Patricia (David St. Anne) Curran

Patricia Curran was born in Boston, Mass. and is the only daughter among J. Stanley and Mary (Riley) Curran’s four children. She first met her father on the day he came home from the war in 1944. A veteran’s loan allowed the family to buy a new house where her parents lived until their 64th

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Sister Denise (Ann Denise) Curry

My mother and her sister were Sisters of Notre Dame. My mother returned home with her father on the first visiting day – Waltham to Philadelphia. But the seed had been sown. My aunt, Sister Bernard Dougherty, lived to a ripe old age; we even lived in community together. In 1958 I graduated from Rittenhouse

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Sister Phyllis (Philip Marie) D'Anna

The eldest of five, Phyllis D'Anna, SNDdeN, enjoyed a lively home life with “a sweet, kind mother and a musical dad who loved gathering people together.” She grew up in San Jose, California, her dad’s hometown and was taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Claires in Santa Clara until the 4th grade.

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Sister Ellen (Mary Jude) Dabrieo

“My soul proclaims your greatness, O God! My heart rejoices in you, my Savior, because you have showered your servant with blessing!” -Luke 1:46-48 I am the tenth child born into a family of six girls and six boys. We all went to the local Parish school staffed by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Throughout

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Sister Ann Marie (Rose St. John) Daly

Sister Ann Marie Daly was born in 1944. The oldest of five children, she grew up in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Her neighborhood had many families, and young Sister Ann and her siblings had many children to play with. Her mother and father were staunch Catholics, and Sister Ann attended Catholic schools in Dorchester and Roxbury –

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Sister Edie Daly (1948-2021)

Sister Edith Huot Daly was born in Milton, Mass. to Bernard R. and Mary L. (Gordon) Daly. "Edie" graduated from Cambridge High & Latin School. She proceeded to earn her bachelor's degree from Boston College and master's degree in Education Counseling from Boston State College. She entered the Sisters in 1979 and professed her perpetual

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Sister Catherine Davis (1938 – 2017)

Joan Davis was born in Oakland. She attended St. Clare School in Santa Clara, and graduated from Notre Dame High School, San Jose before entering the Notre Dame Novitiate in Saratoga in 1957. After teaching elementary school children in Marysville, Chico, Los Angeles, Redwood City, Folsom and Yuba City, Sr. Catherine of Siena (as she

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Sister Terry Davis

Sister Terry Davis serves as Communications Director for the U.S. East-West Province of the Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. During the previous thirteen years, she worked for the Diocese of Stockton in two capacities. She organized a diocesan Synod that involved every parish in deciding the future direction for the diocese. Her other role

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Sr. Janet Deaett

Sister Janet Deaett entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1985  

Sister Maria Delaney

Sister Maria Delaney

“A person does more good in the place where divine Providence has put her than would all others with more talents.” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Maria Anne Delaney, SNDdeN was born Anne Delaney in Marlboro, Massachusetts, where her father owned a newsstand. The Sisters of Saint Joseph taught her at Immaculate Conception Elementary in

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Sister Mary Elizabeth Delaney

“None like thee, Oh Notre Dame!” Sister Mary Elizabeth Delaney was born on October 20, 1930. She lived in Everett, Massachusetts, with her parents and eight siblings. Her childhood was a happy one. Her parents, she recalls, were hard workers. The family was close to the Sisters of Saint Joseph. The family moved to East

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Sister Liane Delsuc

Sister Liane Delsuc is still in awe of where her life journey has taken her. She credits her mother for giving her a deep appreciation of creation and care for the earth.  Both she and younger brother Steve went to St. Dunstan School in Millbrae, Cal., where they heard stories about St. Julie, foundress of

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Sister Thérèse (Tracy) Dill

Sister Thérèse (Tracy) Dill entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on September 12, 1965 at Ilchester, Maryland. On the occasion of her 50th Jubilee in 2015, she shared the following: The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur were a total, wonderful surprise in my life! As the third of Alma and Irving Dill’s

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Sister Barbara Jane (Henrietta Jane) Dole (1928-2021)

Sister Barbara was born in Arlington, Mass., the daughter of Brenton B. and Henrietta J. (Gazaway) Dole. She was a graduate of Somerville High School and Emmanuel College in Boston. She also did graduate studies at Wheelock College in Boston. At one time, she completed a hairdressing program at Wilfred Academy. Sister Barbara entered the

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Sister Mary (Patrick Mary) Donohue

"Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you by your name. You are mine." Isaiah 43: 1 Sister Mary’s journey to this point in her life began in Brooklyn where she and her brother were born and raised, attending Saint Catherine of Genoa School, staffed by the Sisters of Notre Dame

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Sr. Ann Virginia Donovan (1923-2020)

We pray in gratitude for the life of our Sister Ann Virginia Donovan who died on May 6, 2020, at the age of 96. A Sister of Notre Dame for seventy-nine years, Ann ministered in both elementary and high schools sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She served as teacher, principal, religious

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Sister Anne Mary Donovan- SNDdeN

Sr. Anne Mary Donovan

Sister Anne Mary Donovan, SNDdeN was born in 1941 and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire. She enjoyed a happy childhood filled with outdoor adventures, sports and wonderful playmates. Her father, Jim Donovan, worked for the Exeter Banking Corporation, and her mother, Margaret Darcy Donovan, worked in finance. Her sister, Joan, was born in 1945.  Sister

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Sister Julie Donovan (1936-2021)

Sister E. Julie Donovan, SNDdeN was born in Boston, Mass., daughter of John H. and Evelyn M. (Baum) Donovan. She attended St. Lazarus School in East Boston. After graduating in 1954 from Fitton High School in East Boston, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, where she was known as Sister Julie David for

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Sister Linette Doucette

“Live with the life of Jesus, love with his heart, think with his mind, act with his strength.” -Françoise Blin de Bourdon (Spiritual Advice # 2) Born in Waterville, Maine, Linette enjoyed a happy childhood as one of seven children, “Thanks to hard working parents and an outdoor environment that gave the children many opportunities

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Remembering Sister Mary (Mary St. Joseph) Doyle (1929 – 2023)

Sister Mary Louise Doyle was born on August 12, 1929, to Donald Joseph Doyle and Mary Catherine (McDonald) Doyle. Her mother and father had emigrated from Nova Scotia and resettled in Dorchester, Mass. She was one of six siblings, three boys and two other girls; “our parents,” she recalled, “were very good to us.” Growing

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Sr. Ruth Duffy

Sister Ruth Duffy entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1957  

Sister Helen (Thomas Julie) Dugan (1919 – 2020)

A celebration of the life of Sister Helen Dugan, SNDdeN, will be held on Saturday, June 24, 2023, in the Cunningham Memorial Chapel, in Belmont, California. The Liturgy will be followed by a light lunch in the NDNU Library Even at 101 years of age, Sister Helen was always young at heart, known for her

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Sr. Loretta Dwyer

Sister Loretta Dwyer entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956. She is currently retired, and serves as a volunteer tutor at the Notre Dame Educational Center in Worcester, MA.

Sister Vivien Echekwubelu

Vivien Echekwubelu was born in Nigeria. She worked as a nurse in Nigeria and later came to the United States to study for a nursing degree. Sister Vivien entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 2007 and lives in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2020, Sister Vivien wrote the following reflection, which was published in

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Sister Janet Eisner

In 2022, Sister Janet Eisner retired after 43 years as the president of Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts. At the time of her tenure, she was the longest serving female president of a college in the United States and the longest current serving president of a Catholic college or university. She led the college during

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Sister Ruth (Bernard) Ella

Ruth Frances Ella was born to an Austrian father and English mother who were new to the United States. Living through the Great Depression, the family learned to improvise and to make the most of what they had. She recognized that her creativity in childhood grew through improvisation, a capacity which has served her well

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Sister Barbara Ann (aka Bobby) English

Sister Barbara Ann English, born in Upper Darby and raised in Media, Pennsylvania, is a proud graduate of Notre Dame High School in Moylan, Pennsylvania. After graduation she decided to enter the convent. Her favorite teacher was Sister Joseph Mary Donohue whom she admired for her pedagogical skills, her humor and her easy-going way. She

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Sr. Peggy (Rose Christopher) Evans

Sister Peggy (Margaret) was born in East Hartford, CT on November 25, 1942, to parents Christopher and Rosella (Maguire) Evans. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Sr. Rose Christopher. She took her first vows in 1963 and perpetual vows in 1968. She currently serves in the Guidance

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Sr. Joan (Julie St. John) Farley

Sister Joan was born in Worcester, MA, to parents John and Emma (Vachon) Farley. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the religious name Sr. Julie St. John. She took her first vows in 1953 and perpetual vows in 1958. Sister celebrated her 70th year as a Sister of Notre

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Sr. Helen Farrell

Sister Helen Farrell entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1986  

Sister Mary Farren

Sister Mary was born in Boston, Mass., to parents Cornelius and Mary (Linehan) Farren. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1970, and took her first vows in 1973. She currently serves on the leadership team of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur's U.S. East-West Province.

Sister Rosemary (Margaret St. James) Fay

"How good is the good God!"-St. Julie Billiart Growing up in Worcester, Mass. with her parents and two siblings, Rosemary remembers that church was always a great part of their life. She first met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur when she attended Notre Dame Academy. She joined them after graduation from high school,

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Sister Giovannina (Mary Giovanna) Fazio

Sister Nena Fazio, SNDdeN, grew up in East Palo Alto, Calif. as the eldest of four siblings. Her father owned the only grocery store in the community and, later, the only dime store in town. Sister Nena's desire to enter religious life was sparked when she watched the film The Bells of St. Mary's and

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Sister Eileen (Helen St. John) Finnigan (1944-2022)

Sister Eileen Marie Finnigan was born in Dorchester, the beloved daughter of John A. and Helen F. (Doolin) Finnigan. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1963 and took the name Sister Helen St. John. Sister Eileen taught at Notre Dame Academy, Worcester; Saint Gregory High School, Dorchester; Saint Clare High School,

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Sr. Mary Fitzpatrick

Sister Mary Fitzpatrick entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1955  

Sister Judith (Kieran) Flahavan

During her freshman year at Notre Dame High School in San Francisco, Judy began thinking about becoming a Sister. Her faith had been richly nourished by her parents and her education. After graduation, she became a postulant with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Sister Judy’s first years in ministry were challenging: Over a

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Sister Mary Therese (Margaret St. Henry) Flattery

Mary Therese was born in Worcester, Massachusetts. She was the youngest child of five, with two sisters and two brothers. Sadly, her brother Bernard died when he was just three months old, before Mary was born. Mary came from a loving and caring family. Both parents were hardworking people. Her father suffered a broken back

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Sister Jo-Ann (Richard Clare) Flora

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is thank you, that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart Thank you! For my family who welcomed me into the world on February 2, 1942, rooted me in God and encouraged coloring outside the lines. For SND second mothers at Rittenhouse Square, who nurtured and empowered

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Sister Betsy (Mary Thomas) Flynn

Sister Betsy Flynn (formerly Sister Mary Thomas) is the daughter of Thomas James and Mary Jane Hungerford Flynn. Her mother was widowed at a very young age. Betsy and her younger brother Tom grew up experiencing abundant love in the larger family of their grandparents and cousins. In this home, all contributed to the household

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Sr. Ellen (Ellen Patrice) Foley

 Sister Ellen Foley, SNDdeN was born as Mary Theresa Foley in 1945 in Boston. The youngest of two children of Patrick J. Foley and Helen Walsh Foley, Sister Ellen first met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur while she was a student at Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. Inspired by the Sisters

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Sister Dolores (Gregory Marie) Fowler (1932 – 2016)

Sister Dolores (Gregory Marie) Fowler, a Sister of Notre Dame for 66 years, died peacefully at home in Longview, Washington, on August 16, after living with the effects of osteoarthritis for many years and, more recently, with cancer.  To think of her is to smile, remembering her trademark sense of humor, her creativity, great energy

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Sister Mary (Elizabeth) Friel

“Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.” – Deuteronomy 30:19 Sister Mary Friel was born on December 9th, 1938, in Worcester, Massachusetts.  She had an older brother James Patrick (RIP) and three younger siblings, Kathleen, Robert, and Gerard (RIP). The first four years of her life were in Springfield, Massachusetts where her

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Remembering Sister Anne Gabrielle Gagnon (1931-2023)

Edna Gabrielle-Anne Gagnon was the second oldest of the four girls born to Ida and Côme Gagnon. Her sister Lorraine was two years older, and her sister Yvette was four years younger. Helene—the youngest of the four— was born several years later, and completed the family. Sister Anne Gabrielle remembers a happy childhood in a

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Sister Marjorie (William Katherine) Gallagher

Born and raised in Chester, Pa. and Parkside, Pa., I am the daughter of William and Katherine Fedina Gallagher (both deceased), and ninth of 11 children. Of my six sisters and four brothers, three sisters and two brothers are still living. After attending Resurrection and St. Michael Schools in Chester, Pa. I finished at Our

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Sister Patricia (Rose St. Joseph) Gallahue (1927-2021)

Sister Patricia was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Edmund and Rosina (McLaughlin) Gallahue, and graduated from St. Gregory High School in Dorchester. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1946 as Sister Rose St. Joseph. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a concentration in Math and

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Sister Kathleen Gallivan- SNDdeN

Sr. Kathleen Gallivan

Sister Kathleen Gallivan, SNDdeN was born in Boston in 1946 to parents Charles and Frances (Galvin) Gallivan. Growing up in the close-knit Irish Catholic neighborhood of St. Mark's Parish in Dorchester, Massachusetts, she was immersed in a community where faith was central.   Sister Kathleen attended Notre Dame schools for 12 years and graduated from St.

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Sister Avelina (Guadalupe Julie) Garcia

"For many years now, I have been privileged to work with and help others who are poor. I am very grateful to Sister Mary Angelica and many others who encouraged me along the way." As a young girl, Avelina Garcia remembers seeing people, both in her family and at church, who expressed their faith with

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Sister Bernadette (Bernadette Marie) Garcia

Bernadette Garcia’s first grade teacher at Notre Dame Elementary School, San Francisco, was Sister Matilda Carmel. Bernie quickly decided that Sister’s dress was very pretty, especially her beads, and Sister Bernie, as she is now known, decided there and then that she wanted a dress and beads just like that. And who can deny that

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Sister Barbara (James Marie) Geib (1932 – 2018)

Barbara Geib was born in San Francisco on October 3, 1932, and entered the Notre Dame Novitiate at Saratoga after graduating from Notre Dame High School, Belmont. She had visited the novitiate with her classmates during her junior year and she said, "I immediately felt this was God's call. Each step toward entrance, I had

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Sister Roberta (Peter Miriam) Giampaoli (1937-2021)

Sister Roberta M. Giampaoli was born in Providence, R.I., daughter of Peter and Mary (Cola) Giampaoli. She attended St. Teresa's Elementary and High Schools, where she would later return to teach. She entered the Sister of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956. She graduated from Emmanuel College and earned a master's degree in Religious Education

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Sister Maryalyce Gilfeather

"We exist for the poor, only the poor, absolutely only the poor." -St. Julie Billiart (Letter #86) By the time Maryalyce was 13 years old, she and her family had lived in six different states and attended seven different schools. These many moves brought her family together in a wonderful bond of love. She loved

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Sr. Patricia Gertrude Gill (1926-2019)

“All the way to heaven is heaven because Christ said, 'I am the way.'"  Sr. Patricia Gertrude Gill went peacefully home to her Good God on December 3, 2019. Sr. Patricia was born Anne Theresa Gill in Lowell, MA, the oldest girl of Patrick Francis and Anne Gertrude Kelley Gill’s ten children. She was born

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Sister Ellen Glavin- SNDdeN - 2024 Jubilee

Sr. Ellen Glavin

Sister Ellen Glavin, SNDdeN was born on July 7, 1936. She grew up in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and had two brothers, both of whom became priests! She attended St. Mark’s Elementary School and Notre Dame Academy in Roxbury, Massachusetts, for high school. She loved the education she received from the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. 

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Sr. Rosemary Grant

Sister Rosemary Grant entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1955  

Sister Mary Louise (Julie Peter) Graziano (1938 – 2021)

Born in Malden, Mass., Sister Mary Lou was the daughter of the late William and Ruth (O’Neil) Graziano. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1957. She ministered in education in Worcester, East Boston, South Boston, Lawrence, Wakefield and Salem, N.H. She was also the manager for the Shelter for the Homeless

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Sister Joan (Marguerite Therese) Gregoire

"If God wants you there—you will go there. If He wants you here, then you will stay here." St. Julie Billiart "Blest is she who believed that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled." Luke 1:45 Joan Marguerite Mary Gregoire is the daughter of Eugene, a French Canadian immigrant from Quebec, and a meat

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Remembering Sister Maureen Griffin (1933-2022)

On December 19, 2022, Sister Maureen Griffin went home to her good God. Sister Maureen Griffin was born in Cambridge, MA, on April 28, 1933. The daughter of John and Alice (Barry) Griffin, Sister Maureen graduated from the Notre Dame Academy in 1951. In 1955, Sister Maureen received her B.A. from Trinity College. That same

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Sister Bárbara Gutiérrez

Sister Bárbara is a native of Mexico City. She worked as a business consultant in Mexico before accepting a job offer in the United States. She continued to work in consulting and human resources in different states before entering religious life. Since entering the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Sister Bárbara has worked in

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Sister Barbara (Anthony) Hamm (1926 – 2020)

Born on December 29, 1926 and raised in Hollister, Barbara was a 5th generation Californian, descended from the Bernal Family who was part of the 1776 DeAnza Expedition. From her earliest years, she loved to dance; even in her recent years at Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland, she often used her cane to

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Sister Barbara (Raymond Teresa) Hanagan (1926-2022)

Barbara was born in Winnipeg, Canada. Eventually the entire family moved to Marysville, California, where St. Joseph Church and Notre Dame School were the center of her early Catholic life. She remembers helping the Sisters teach the younger children during summer school and thinking that she, too, would like to be a teacher. Most of

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Remembering Sister Geraldine (Geraldine Marie) Harris (1931-2023)

From the time she was a child at St. Bernard's School in Oakland, California, and later at Notre Dame High School in San Jose, Calif., Geraldine Harris always liked the Sisters. At that time, she remembers, "I wasn't the type that the Sisters would have encouraged to enter the community. I was always talking and

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Sister Kathleen (Eleanor Patricia) Haughey

The ThreadSomething is very gently,Invisibly, silently,pulling at me–a thread …a stirring of wonder makes mecatch my breath when I feelthe tug of it … Denise Levertov Kathleen Haughey entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the name Sister Eleanor Patricia. At the time of her 70th Jubilee as a Sister, she

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Sister Bernice (Madeline Marie) Heinz (1928-2021)

Born in Gonzales, Calif., Bernice and her five sisters all attended Sacred Heart School in Salinas. Her parents then enrolled her as a boarder in Moreland Notre Dame High School in Watsonville. She came home on weekends, and in her sophomore year started working as a stock girl on Saturdays at ‘The Elegant Dress Shop’.

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Sister Michelle Henault

I’ve had the privilege of being present to people who come to the House of Prayer and Villa Angelica in Carmel. I feel my ministry has been one of welcoming/hospitality to those who want to step away from the busy chaos of their lives to nourish their inner spirit and find, once again, the relationship

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Sr. Rita Heywood

Sister Rita Heywood entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1958  

Sister Maureen (Maureen Joan) Hilliard

Maureen grew up in Redwood City, California with her devoted Catholic parents and three brothers. Her family was active in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. She attended the parish school staffed by the Sisters of Notre Dame, and Notre Dame High School, Belmont. "I grew up surrounded by our Catholic tradition that was lived

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Sister Margaret (Margaret Mary) Hoffman (1927-2021)

Heart and soul — an artist! Sister Margaret designed the beautiful, very real-looking Madonna and Child on the bell tower of Cunningham Memorial Chapel at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, and she collaborated with artist Gabriel Loire, in designing the sculptured-glass chapel windows. To remember Sister Margaret Hoffman is to see her as

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Sr. Karen Hokanson

Sister Karen Hokanson entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1967  

Sr. Kristin Hokanson

Sister Kristin Hokanson entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1967  

Sister Lucy Julie Holguin

Simona Holguin was born into a close Mexican Catholic family with two brothers and a much-loved sister named Lucy. She first came to know the Sisters in Santa Barbara when the Holguin children transferred to Dolores School, where Simona was impressed with the way the Sisters interacted with one another and with the students. She

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Sister Carol (Leo Patrice) Hood

“Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12 I am one of nine children–the oldest girl and with that came a lot of responsibilities for my younger siblings. We had a very happy childhood in the ‘40s and ‘50s that included playing in the streets! I enjoyed playing sports, such as baseball

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Sister Mary Ellen (Mary Ignatius) Howard

Mary Ellen Howard’s choice to enter the religious life wasn’t entirely supported by her father, who responded to her declaration of vocation with “You’re not the type. Sisters are neat and organized and quiet.” Mary Ellen confesses, “I was none of the above.” But what she was–and continues to be–is a compassionate and fearless woman

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Sister Ann Irene Howard

“I was raised to be a wife and mother, I discovered along the way that I was born to be a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur.” When I came into the family, my parents were married 10 years and were already raising two boys and a girl. My birth caused an addition to be

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Sister Patricia (Mary Bernardine) Hutchison

Sister Patricia Hutchison grew up in Santa Barbara, California, where her father had become a citizen as soon as he could, but her mother did not apply for many years. She says, “I spent time as a child worrying about her being deported – to Scotland! Pat first met Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

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Sr. Marie Beatrice Janson-LaPalme

Sister Marie Beatrice Janson-LaPalme, SNDdeN, born Louise Janson-LaPalme, was raised in Brockton, Massachusetts. The only girl in a family of three brothers, she has fond memories of her childhood, recalling it as a happy and simple time. Sister Marie, a self-described tomboy, enjoyed sports and had many interests.   Sister Marie attended public school and did

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Sister Mary Johnson

"Better mistakes than paralysis." -St. Julie Billiart I was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, the older daughter of Irish immigrants of deep faith and love of learning. My sister and I grew up in a wonderful parish, Sacred Heart, and were educated there by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur for 12 years. We both

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Sister Sharon Joyer

Though Sharon Joyer is one of nine brothers and sisters, her cousin Mary was one of her favorite companions. They were the same age and very close, so Mary’s unexpected death at age 12 was a huge loss for Sharon and a defining moment. Why was she alive and Mary not? Sharon began to pray

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Sister Edithann Kane

Edithann Kane is the eldest of Ann Marie (McKenna) and Frank Kane’s three daughters. She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. but because of her father’s career as an Army officer she’d lived in Texas, California and Maryland by the time she was 10 years old. At that time, the family moved to Washington, D.C. where

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Sister Alberta Marie Karp (1919-2016)

Sister Alberta Marie Karp, a Sister of Notre Dame for 78 years, died peacefully at Highland Hospital in Oakland.on March 27, 2016  Born in San Francisco to Robert and Gertrude Heinz Karp, Alberta grew up in St. Anthony Parish and attended Notre Dame High School, San Francisco.  She entered the Notre Dame Community in 1937.

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Sister Barbara Ann Kavanaugh

Sister Barbara Ann Kavanaugh has always found the richness of her life in friends, family, community, and celebrations. A meaningful gospel story for her is the wedding feast at Cana. “This was a big party," she says. "And it is such an example of God’s goodness. Jesus and Mary were with friends. The celebration had

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Sister Ellen (Ellen St. Thomas) Keane

"Better mistakes than paralysis” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Ellen Keane was born in Marlboro, Massachusetts. Her mom and dad had five children, three boys and two girls. She went to a nearby public grammar school. As she was finishing eighth grade, she met a group of girls in the neighborhood who talked about going to a girl’s

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Sister Louise (Josephine Louise) Kearns

“May the most holy will of the good God be always done in all of us.” – St. Julie Billiart I grew up in a family with 11 children. I attended Notre Dame schools starting in first grade and by second grade I felt called and remained attracted to becoming a religious through all my

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Sister Kathryn Keenan

Sister Kathryn Keenan

Sister Kathryn Keenan, SNDdeN, wanted to be a teacher from the time she started to walk. As a student at Notre Dame High School in Belmont, Calif., she was attracted by the warmth and caring of the Sisters who were her teachers. After graduation from U.C. Santa Barbara—where she majored in Spanish—Sister Kathryn spent a

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Sister Mary T. Kelleher, SNDdeN - 2024

Sister Mary Theresa Kelleher

“Teach them what they need for life.” – St. Julie Billiart  Sister Mary Theresa Kelleher, SNDdeN grew up in an Irish Catholic family in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Her mother was born in Boston and her father hailed from Leitrim, Ireland. She was the oldest of four siblings and remembers her childhood as a happy time, surrounded

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Sister Raymond Loretta Kelley

“God loves the simple heart who tries her hardest.” St. Julie Billiart Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30 Born Claire Kelley in Bedford, Indiana, Sister Raymond Loretta

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Sister Clare (Agnes Therese) Kelly

'One single thing at a time and leave the rest in the heart of the good God. -St. Julie Billiart Sister Clare was born and grew up in the Roslindale section of Boston. A daughter of John and Mary Waldron Kelly, Irish immigrants, she was the sixth of nine children. Even in their early years,

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Sr. Alice St. Joseph Kenney

“I believe you, Lord, will bring to completion what you have begun in me.” – Philippians 1:6 I come from a loving, caring, hard-working Irish family and was blessed to have the Sisters of Notre Dame as my educators and mentors from grades 1 through 12. Their care, dedication and availability were very influential in

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Sr. Jean Kieltyka

Sister Jean Kieltyka entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1955  

Sister Bernice (Catherine Raymond) King

"It was not you who chose me, it was I who chose you to go forth and bear fruit.” -John 15:16 I come from a large family and was number seven of eight children—four sisters much older than I, and three brothers. I was a happy little child and enjoyed playing with my neighborhood friends.

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Sister Lynne (Lynne Marie) Knapp

Sister Lynne Marie Knapp knew for a long time that she wanted to be a Sister. Quite by accident, she met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Covina in 1967 and entered the novitiate a year later. Ever since making her first vows, Lynne has been a dedicated teacher. She has committed 39

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Sr. Joan Marie (Marie Raphael) Lacasse (1932-2019)

Sr. Joan Marie (Marie Raphael) Lacasse went peacefully home to the good God on Friday, September 20, 2019. Sr. Joan was born in Lawrence, the daughter of the late Leo and Mary (Harkins) Lacasse and the sister of the late Carol G. Veilleux. She leaves nieces and nephews and her community of Notre Dame de

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Sr. Margaret (Margaret John) Lanen

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'" – John 14:6 I was born in Lawrence, MA, to faith-filled parents – Margaret and John – the third child in a family with one brother and one sister. Having attended Notre Dame schools from first grade to sophomore year at Emmanuel College,

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Sister Mary (Mary Bernard) Laxague (1931 – 2022)

Sister Mary Laxague died on August 11, 2022 at age 90. She served as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 71 years. In the late 1940s, the small mining town of Ely, Nevada, had no Catholic schools, and it was only because of a high school acquaintance that young Mary Laxague even heard

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Remembering Sister Teresa Ann Leahy (1930-2023)

Sister Teresa Ann Leahy, SNDdeN traced her love of the poor back to the kitchen table conversations she heard as a child. Her parents admired Dorothy Day’s work and talked frequently about religion and social justice issues. As she grew older, they encouraged her to read Thomas Merton’s first books and the newly collected letters

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Sister Kathleen (Ann St. Francis) Leary

Sister Kathleen Leary was born on February 8, 1945 in Boston, the daughter of Francis and Anna (Harrington) Leary. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1963, taking the name Sister Ann St. Francis. She took her first vows in 1966 and final vows in 1971.  After entering, she taught first grade

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Sister Margaret (Joseph Louise) Lederer

‘Nothing happens by chance…It is always the disposition of God’‘Our path has been marked out for us…let us walk along it bravely, remembering that Jesus goes before us' -St. Julie Billiart Having been taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur for 12 years, it was not surprising that young Margaret Lederer entertained the

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Sister Angele Lewis

Sister Angele Lewis, SNDdeN, first met the Sisters of Notre Dame when she began attending College of Notre Dame in Belmont, Calif. (the school is now known as Notre Dame de Namur University). Sister Angele grew up in Vallejo, California and went to St. Vincent Ferrer Grammar and High Schools where she was taught by

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Sister Maureen (Robert Marie) Lewis (1934-2021)

Sister Maureen Lewis, SNDdeN (formerly Sister Robert Marie) was born in Boston, Massachusetts. The daughter of Robert Emmett Lewis and Marie Barry Lewis, she grew up in East Boston where she met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at Fitton High School, She taught in various New England schools: St. John School in Peabody,

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Sister Theresa Linehan

Born in San Francisco and raised by a single mother, Theresa enjoyed the benefits of a Notre Dame de Namur education—from her earliest school years to the College of Notre Dame (now Notre Dame de Namur University). After graduation she worked for a time, then became a Jesuit Volunteer. After this service, she wondered where

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Sr. Patricia (Patricia Mary) Linehan (1931-2020)

Sister Patricia Linehan died at age 89 on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester. Sister Patricia was born in Salem, daughter of Patrick and Irene (Hennessy) Linehan and graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston. She later earned a Master's degree in Education from Boston College. Sister entered the

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Sister Anne (Mary Terence) Locke

(Right now I call the sky and the earth to be witnesses that I am offering you this choice. Will you choose for the LORD to make you prosperous and give you a long life? Or will he put you under a curse and kill you?) Choose life. Be completely faithful to the LORD your

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Sister Germaine Loiselle (1922-2020)

Sister Germaine went peacefully home to her Good God on July 6, 2020, supported in prayer by her devoted Sisters in Community at the Notre Dame Convent at Ipswich, MA, by the dedicated staff of the St. Julie Billiart Residential Care Center, and by her loving family and friends. She was born Doris Simone Loiselle

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Sister Mary (Marie Thomasine) Lonich (1924-2018)

We remember with gratitude the life of Sister Mary (Marie Thomasine) Lonich, who was a Sister of Notre Dame for 71 years.  She died peacefully at Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland the day before her 94th birthday. A proud San Franciscan, Mary was born on January 17, 1924, and graduated from Notre Dame

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Sister Kathleen Lynch

Sister Kathleen Lynch entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1965. She lives in Connecticut.

Sr. Margaret (Mary Kevin) Lynch (1923-2020)

Sister Margaret Lynch died on April 22, 2020, at the age of 97. She was a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 75 years, having entered the congregation in 1945. Her religious name was Mary Kevin. She was born in Fahaduff, Castleisland, CO. Kerry, Ireland, daughter of James and Hanna (McCarty) Lynch, and her

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Sister Julie Cecilia Lyver (1929-2021)

Sister Julie Cecelia was born Mary E. Lyver in Somerville, Mass. to parents Francis W. and Margaret (O'Neill) Lyver. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on February 2, 1948 in Waltham, Mass. Sister Julie earned her BA in Elementary Education from Emmanuel College, as well as an MA in Education from Salem

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Sr. Jeanne (Jeanne Francis) MacDonald (1936-2020)

Sister Jeanne Francis (Marguerite) MacDonald, SNDden, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur died peacefully on Friday, February 14, 2020 surrounded by her community of Sisters at the Sr. Julie Billiart Center, Ipswich, MA after an extended illness. Sr. Jeanne was born in Somerville, MA on July 2, 1936, the daughter of the late Mary

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Sister Monica Daniel Madden

“Better mistakes than paralysis." -St. Julie Billiart As the youngest child of Monica and Daniel Madden, I arrived eight years after my brother, Danny, on my sister Maureen’s tenth birthday. When I was five years old I was introduced to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at St. Joseph’s School in Somerville, Mass. It

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Remembering Sister Gertrude (Eileen Gertrude) Mahoney (1930-2023)

Sister Gertrude Therese Mahoney was born on July 23, 1930, in Somerville, Massachusetts, to Francis Mahoney and Eileen (O'Brien) Mahoney. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on August 28, 1958, took her first vows on January 26, 1961, and final vows on July 30, 1966. Sister Gertrude graduated from Emmanuel College in

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Sr. Anne Malone

I was born in Boston, MA and grew up in Roslindale. I had two brothers and a sister. My father died when I was seven, and my mother was left to raise the four of us. Her faith has been a gift to each of us. I had a deep connection to the Sisters of

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Sr. Corinne (Corinne Marie) Manzi (1931-2020)

Who shall find a valiant woman, her value is beyond pearls. Those who entrust their hearts to her have an unfailing prize. She brings to all who know her good, not evil, all the days of her life. She is girt about with strength and sturdy are her arms. She enjoys the success of her

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Sister Joan (Mary Joan) Maritz

“Well, she was such a joyful woman.” That’s how Sister Joan Maritz responded to the question of who influenced her to become a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. The woman she refers to is her former Notre Dame High School, Alameda, chorale director. “Sister Emelia was always ready to laugh, she loved music, and

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Sr. Maureen Marr

Sister Maureen Marr entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1965  

Sister Jacinta (Mary Jacinta) Martinez

As a nine-year-old, Jacinta came to San Francisco with her mother and sister from Nicaragua. They had family who lived not far from Notre Dame School on Dolores Street so she started there in fourth grade. Her family was religiously oriented and their parish, Mission Dolores, was very important. Each month the children got a little

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Sr. Ellen McAdam

Sister Ellen McAdam is a Junior High Math, Science, and Religion teacher at St. Patrick School and Educational Center in Lowell, MA. Currently, she is working on her Masters Degree in Educational Technology at Central Connecticut State University. During her free time she likes to read, sing, and create things on the computer.  

Sister Madeline (Madeline St. John) McAdam (1933-2022)

“May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.” Of Irish and Scottish ancestry, Sister Madeline was born in Providence, R.I., the daughter of Angus and

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Sister Ann Marie McAndrews- SNDdeN

Sister Ann Marie (Agnes Dolores) McAndrews

“How good is the Good God who tries us.” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Ann Marie McAndrews, SNDdeN was the oldest of six children born to Henry Anthony McAndrews and Anne Cecilia L. McAndrews. She has fond memories of her childhood. Her father worked for the telephone company for over 46 years, and her mother

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Sister Jane (Anne St. Henry) McAndrews

Jane McAndrews was born in December 1932 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston, Mass. From the first to the twelfth grade she attended St. Gregory’s primary and secondary schools, which were staffed by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. As Jane proudly states “I was educated all these years by the Sisters of Notre

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Sister Mary Alice McCabe

For more than four decades, Sister Mary Alice served as a missionary in the coastal region of Maceio in northeastern Brazil. She helped poor communities fight for their basic rights to land, education and healthcare. Sister Mary Alice is the author of the book, "Our Struggle Was a Sacred Struggle." The book, first published in

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Sister Nancy (Paul) McCarron

An educator first, last, and always! After graduating from Dominican College in the early 1960s, Nancy began teaching at Hunter’s Point, San Francisco. In an area of deep poverty, she saw firsthand the importance of providing educational opportunities for children. It was also during this time that she saw religious life as a credible path

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Sister Mary Pat (Mary Patricia) McCarron

When Mary Pat was in elementary school she often thought of becoming a Sister. She was taught by the Holy Cross Sisters at St. Matthew School in San Mateo, Calif., and felt loved  and cared for by them. She then attended Notre Dame High School in Belmont, Calif., and continued to consider religious life. Her

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Sr. Juana McCarthy

Sister Juana McCarthy entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1986  

Sister Margaret (Daniel Mary) McCarthy

“I know the plans I have in mind for you. I have reserved a future with hope and you will seek me and you will find me.” -Jeremiah 29:11 Sister Maggie McCarthy grew up in a happy family with three younger siblings and her parents, Daniel and Mary (Kiley) McCarthy. For 12 years she was

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Remembering Sister Eileen (Mary Daniel) McCarthy (1935-2023)

If you were to have asked Sister Eileen McCarthy to describe herself, she would most likely have declined. However, if you were to ask anyone else who knows her, there wouldn’t be enough words or time to describe how generous and good she is because, as Sister Georgianna Coonis said, “that’s just the way she

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Sister Joyce (Thomas Elizabeth) McCauley

Joyce McCauley entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1955, taking the name Sister Thomas Elizabeth. On the occasion of her 60th Jubilee in 2015, she wrote the following reflection: How do I begin to thank our Good God for 60 years of loving relationships as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur?

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Remembering Sister Dorothy (Dorothy Joseph) McCormick (1941-2023)

In 2019, Sister Dorothy McCormick, SNDdeN celebrated 60 years as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur and she reflected that her life in Notre Dame had been "blessing upon blessing." She is the daughter of Raymond and Anna McCormick, and the younger sister of Claire and Raymond. Her sister Claire entered the Sisters of

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Sister Alice (Alice Philip) McCourt

Sister Alice was born in Brighton, Massachusetts, one of four children of parents Philip and Alice Marie (Fitzgerald) McCourt. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Alice Philip. Sister Alice earned a bachelor's degree from Emmanuel College, where she studied history, economics and sociology, and earned a master's

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Sr. Mary (Joseph Marian) McCue

  Sister Mary McCue, SNDdeN grew up in Salem, Massachusetts, with her loving parents, William and Kathryn McCue, and her sisters, Kathryn, Dorothy, and Eleanor. Sister Mary feels blessed for having grown up in such a nurturing environment with her family’s love and support and surrounded by beauty and water in Salem.  Sister Mary attended

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Sr. Margaret McCurdy (1928-2020)

Sister Margaret McCurdy died Sunday, April 19, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester. She was 91. Sister was born Alice Ruth in Cambridge, daughter of William F. and Margaret L. (Cullinane) McCurdy. She graduated from St. Mary of the Annunciation High School in Cambridge, and Emmanuel College with a combined English

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Sr. Marie Ann McDonald (1943-2020)

We pray in gratitude for the life of Sister Marie Ann McDonald who died on May 13, 2020 at the age of 73. Joyful simplicity, genuine concern, and faithful friendship are three of the gifts that Marie McDonald has shared with us in Notre Dame. As teacher (St. Mary of the Annunciation, Danvers; St Mary

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Sister Immaculata Marie McDonnell

Sister Immaculata was named Mary by her parents Thomas and Mary (Moran) McDonnell at her birth in Boston. “I was very fortunate,” she says. “I had parents who were deeply religious and we had a happy family. We prayed every day together, and from the time we were children prayed that if it were God’s

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Sister Mary McFadden (1930-2021)

Sister Mary hailed from the Philadelphia area, met our sisters at West Catholic High School and in 1948 joined the Congregation in Ilchester, Maryland. She was a proud member of the band known as the Violets and was ever ready to claim her Irish heritage. Sister Mary had a long and diverse ministry record in

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Sister Mavourneen (Mary Arthur) McGinty

"Do not be anxious. Go straight on, forgetful of self, letting the spirit of God act instead of your own." -St. Julie Billiart Mavourneen saw herself as “a good child from a good Catholic family” but never considered becoming a woman religious. Her dreams were quite the opposite—she saw herself becoming the mother of 12

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Sister Patricia (Mary Sebastian) McGlinn (1935 – 2016)

Sister Patricia (Mary Sebastian) McGlinn, a Sister of Notre Dame for 62 years, died peacefully on August 8, 2016, at Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland. She related in a special way with her therapists, Care Center Staff and residents. She watched the recent Republican and Democratic Conventions, and voted in the primary. Always

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Sister Catherine (Dolores Julie) McGrath (1916 – 2009)

Sister Catherine McGrath, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 75 years, died in Oakland, California, on October 31, 2009. Born on January 5, 1916 in Everett, Washington, Sister Catherine grew up in Santa Barbara, California, and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame at Belmont in 1934. Sister Catherine's life spanned the 20th century

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Sister Bernadette Mary McGrath (1926-2020)

Sister Bernadette Mary McGrath, SNDdeN, born in Lynn, MA, daughter of the late John J. McGrath and Margaret (McLaughlin) McGrath died peacefully October 23, 2020. She was the sister of the late Catherine (McGrath) Young and Margaret (McGrath) Murray and is survived by her sister Hannah (Ann McGrath) Blinn of Lynn, MA, as well as

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Sister Kathryn Lawrence McGuiggan (1934-2021)

Sister Kathryn was born in Worcester, Mass., the daughter of Lawrence J. and Kathryn A. (Dowd) McGuiggan. She was a graduate of the former Ascension High School in Worcester, and Emmanuel College in Boston. In 1957 after college, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She later earned a master's degree in English

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Sister Christine Julie McGuirk

“How good is the good God!” -St. Julie Billiart Sister Christine Julie McGuirk had a happy childhood. She grew up in Cambridge, Mass., with her large family. She was one of a set of identical twins, but the family had another set of twin girls, another girl and a two boys. All are still living

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Sister Maureen (Daniel Francis) McLaughlin

"Courage et Confiance." -St. Julie Billiart Sister Maureen is the child of Irish immigrants; her father was from Donegal and her mother came from Mayo. She is the youngest of three, and grew up in an extended family. Her parents and her aunt and uncle were siblings, because two sisters married two brothers. So when

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Sister Sharon McMillan

Sister Sharon McMillan was the first woman in the United States to receive both a Licentiate and a Doctorate in Sacred Liturgy from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome. Sister Sharon joined the Sisters of Notre Dame after Vatican II. “I was formed in a pre-Vatican II church,” she says, but the Sisters at Mercy

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Sister Kay (Ann Catharine) McMullen (1939 – 2018)

Born in Oakland, and a graduate of Notre Dame High School, Alameda, Sister Kay entered the Notre Dame community in 1959. She taught in Notre Dame schools in Salinas, Chico, Carmel, Yuba City, Belmont, San Francisco, and in Washington State. She received her bachelor’s degree in music from College of Notre Dame, Belmont, and a

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Sister Joyce (Alice William) McMullen

“… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Joyce McMullen and her twin brother and sister were born to parents William and Alice (Joyce) McMullen. She grew up in West Newton, Mass., where she was taught by

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Sister Agnes Rose McNally

Sister Agnes Rose was the eighth of nine children (five girls and four boys), born in Philadelphia to James P. McNally and Anna R. O'Hara, both from Pennsylvania. She remains in contact with many nieces and nephews from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Agnes was baptized and attended Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, elementary

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Sr. Marie Paula McNiff (1927-2020)

We remember with joy the life and spirit of Sr. Marie Paula McNiff who died on April 28, 2020. She was a lover of her roots in South Boston, MA and the SNDdeNs who taught her at St. Augustine's! Pauline McNiff entered on August 7, 1944; how she loved her band [of Sisters who entered

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Sr. Geraldine McPhee

Sister Geri McPhee, SNDdeN was born in Philadelphia on June 6, 1945. Baptized Geraldine Catherine McPhee, she was the first of two daughters, and her sister, Barbara, was born in 1950.  Sister Geri’s childhood was blessed with the company of a huge and loving Irish family. She recalls that faith, family, and education were the

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Sister Patricia McSharry

"Trusting God in all times and in all things.” -St. Julie Billiart Patricia McSharry grew up in Milton, Mass, the eldest of six siblings. Her father was firefighter and her mother a homemaker. But there was another great influence in Pat’s life—one of her grandmothers. Pat spent summers at her grandmother’s home on Cape Cod.

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Sister Claudia McTaggart

Sister Claudia has spent more than 60 years “engaging deeply” in life as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur in many and varied ways: teaching, pastoral ministry, counseling, community leadership and more. Joan McTaggart first met the Sisters of Notre Dame in the sixth grade when her widowed mother entrusted her to the Sisters’

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Sister Elaine McTaggart

Sr. Elaine McTaggart

“It’s more virtuous to live with imperfect people than to live with saints.” – St. Julie Billiart I was the youngest of four children and went to public school until my years at St. Gregory High School. It was there I knew I wanted to be a teacher and there I first met the Sisters

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Sister Joan (Francis St. Catherine) Mehigan

Joan Mehigan grew up in Somerville, Mass. with her sister, a much older foster brother, her parents—Garret and Catherine (Molloy)—and many dogs! Joan loves animals and her father would regularly bring dogs home for her, despite her mother’s protestations that she was the one left to care for them. Joan attended St. Joseph School in

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Sister Barbara Metz

Sister Barbara Metz holds a Master of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters of Arts in Theology from the University of San Francisco. In ministry, she has served in religious formation and renewal programs. She has many years of experience in teaching, school administration, retreat work and parish

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Sister Carol (John Gregory) Miller

Carol Miller was a student at Notre Dame High School in Belmont, Calif. when Pope John XXIII was elected and announced the Second Vatican Council. This was a defining moment for her. "There was so much energy about The Church in the Modern World," she remembers. "As high school students, we were captured by this

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Sister Joanne (Catherine Rose) Miller

Sister Joanne Miller remembers being an eighth grader at Ascension School in Los Angeles when her teacher, Sister Mary Joan, a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondolet, invited her and another girl to a clothing ceremony at the St. Joseph Motherhouse. Sister Joanne recalls, “It was a pretty impressive ceremony in those days with so

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Sister Julie Carmel Mingoia, 1917 – 2016

For almost 99 years of life and 76 years as a Sister of Notre Dame, Sister Julie Carmel Mingoia reflected God’s goodness to everyone she met. She was born in San Jose on July 28, 1917, as the fourth of five children to Italian parents, Frank and Rose Mingoia, Carmela attended Notre Dame High School in

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Sister Rose Elizabeth Monahan

“God is good and sometimes He’s better.” Mary Berenice Monahan, as she was named at birth, was one of George and Mary (McGee) Monahan’s nine children. Within the family she was known as “Bunny,” perhaps to avoid confusion, since her mother’s name was also Mary. They lived within St. Matthew Parish in Dorchester, Mass. when

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Sister Helen Julie Monroe (1926 – 2021)

Sister Helen Julie Monroe, SNDdeN, went peacefully home to her Good God on Monday January 25, 2021 at Notre Dame Long Term Care Center in Worcester. She was born Virginia M. Monroe in Beverly, Massachusetts in 1926 to parents Carleton A. and Helen M. (Marley) Monroe, soon joined by her only brother, the late Robert

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Sr. Noreen (Valerie) Morgan

Noreen Morgan’s ministries have included teaching in Notre Dame elementary schools in California and Hawaii, working in adult religious education, and serving within the Notre Dame de Namur community. Sister views her years in religious life as a garden of great beauty and variety and is grateful. “Like everyone, and like the garden,” she says,

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Sr. Lillian (Jane Marie) Morris (1922-2020)

Sister Lillian Rose Morria, SNDdeN,  died Saturday, February 8, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester at age 97. Sister Lillian was born in Boston to James and Rose (Metz) Morris, the oldest of three siblings, and was raised in West Roxbury. She graduated from Girls' Latin School in Boston and Emmanuel

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Sr. Ann E. Morrison

Sister Ann E. Morrison entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1959  

Sr. Janet Margaret Mullen

Sister Janet was born in Framingham, MA to parents William and Mary (Mullens) Mullen. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1970, and took her first vows in 1973. She lives in Ipswich, MA. Margaret Mullen entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1970

Remembering Sister Mary Mulligan (1930 – 2023)

Sister Mary (Anna Marie) Mulligan was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and lived there for most of her life – but she liked to say that she’d been on Broadway for almost all her life. In this case, she was referring to West Broadway in South Boston, a place where she studied, worked and lived for

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Sister Roseanne Murphy

Sr. Roseanne (called Peggy for her name Margaret) and her twin sister, Patsy, were raised first in Palo Alto, on the San Francisco Peninsula in California, where their father accepted the position of being the manager of  the President Hotel and then when they were nine, in San Mateo at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel in

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Sister Irene (Eleanor William) Murphy

Sister Irene Murphy (formerly Sister Eleanor William) entered Notre Dame more than seventy years ago, in 1950, and she exudes the peace and joy of a happy and good life. Sister Irene witnesses to God’s goodness alive in her and appreciated in others and in all creation. Clearly, Sister Irene is happy in her vocation,

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Sister Francis Virginia Murphy

“We are placed in this little corner of the world like cinders beneath the ashes, to ignite the fire of divine love in the hearts of those we meet” (adapted) I grew up in Dedham, Mass. until I was seven, and then in Allston, Mass, as the second child of eight siblings, two of whom

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Sister Paul St. Katherine Murphy

Sister Paul was born Cornelia Ann Murphy in Chelsea, Massachusetts, to parents Cornelius and Nora Veronica (Duggan) Murphy. There were six children in her family, and of them one become a bishop, one a doctor and three became teachers. She met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur when she attended Notre Dame Academy in

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Sister Rita (Julie St. Francis) Murphy (1930-2022)

Sister Rita was born in Boston, daughter of Francis J. and Catherine (Ellis) Murphy. She was a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Somerville, Mass. and Emmanuel College. She received a master's degree in education with a concentration in guidance at Salem State University. In 1948, after finishing high school, she entered the Sisters

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Remembering Sister Edith Murphy (1936-2023)

Sister Edith Murphy, SNDdeN was born in 1936 in Boston to James and Edith (Sutcliffe) Murphy. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1955 and graduated from Emmanuel College with a Bachelor of Arts in education. In her career as an educator, Sister Edith taught in several Notre Dame schools in the

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Sr. Elizabeth (Immaculata) Murtagh

“The beauties of nature must lift up your soul to your Creator. You will look upon them spread before you like an open book.” – St. Julie Billiart I am first generation Irish, the fifth child of hardworking parents. Our life was simple but we didn’t lack for anything. We grew our own vegetables and

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Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau

“I came that ALL may have life to the fullest.” – John 10:10  Sister Anne-Louise Nadeau, SNDdeN was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, to Camille Louis Nadeau and Adelaide Ida Talbot. Raised alongside her sister, Mary Camylle, she experienced a childhood steeped in her family's French heritage, evident in their language and traditions.  Sister Anne-Louise's early

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Sr. Margaret (Mary St. Patrick) Nally (1931-2020)

Sister Margaret (Mary St. Patrick) born in Milton, MA, daughter of the late Patrick J. and Mary A. (Walsh) Nally, died peacefully October 10, 2020. She was the sister of the late Mary Conway, Helena Nally, Thomas Nally and Rosemarie Nally, and survived by her sister, Patricia Tangney of Needham, nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews,

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Sr. Margaret Nawin

Sister Margaret Nawin entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956

Sister Judith Nee

Sister Judith Nee entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956.

Sister Katherine (Katherine Mary) Nelson

Educated by Sisters from an early age, Katherine dreamt of becoming a Sister herself one day. By high school, the dream faded and she got caught up in studies, clothes and boys! But a still, small voice pierced her conscience. "Becoming a Sister was something I felt I HAD to do," she remembers. She entered

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Sister Mary Grace Noble (1934-2021)

Sister Mary Grace was born in Boston as Carol Marie, daughter of Harold F. and Grace G. (Doherty) Noble. After graduating in 1951 from Our Lady of Presentation High School in Brighton, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a degree in Biology and Education.

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Sister Bernadette Noonan (1936 – 2022)

Sister Bernadette was born in Allston, Mass. on Dec. 9, 1936, the daughter of Harold and Bernadette (Cassidy) Noonan. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in in 1954, took her first vows in 1957 and final vows in 1962.  She received her B.A. in Education from Emmanuel College in 1966 and her M.A. in

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Sister Kathleen O'Hagan

Kathleen O’Hagan grew up in Drexel, Pennsylvania as the oldest of three children. She recalls her childhood as wonderful, with special ties to her aunt and uncle, and feels deeply connected to her Irish heritage. She attended public school up until fifth grade when she was happy to transfer to a Catholic school where religious

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Sister Louise O'Reilly

Sister Louise O’Reilly has given her heart and gifts to many ministries. She taught in Notre Dame elementary schools in California and Hawaii and was principal of Mission Dolores in San Francisco. She has served as formation director for the former California Province and Development Coordinator for Moreland Notre Dame School in  Watsonville, Calif. She

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Sister Nancy (Anne Jerome) O'Shea

For teenager Nancy O'Shea, Notre Dame San Jose teachers like ebullient Sister Helen Cecilia Miller (who died at 101 years of age) pointed the way to a good life: "I had thought about religious life for a long time and the Sisters of Notre Dame were so happy," she says. "I was attracted to that.

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Sister Margaret "Peggy" (Robert) Offley (1926 – 2020)

Sister Peggy Offley, who was a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 74 years, died on April 13, 2020. Thoughtful, gentle, with a quiet sense of humor and a delight in life’s surprises, Sister Peggy was grateful for God’s grace and for good friends in her life. Born in Washington, D.C., on September 5,

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Sister Susan (Ann Joachim) Olson

The Sisters' service to the poor and homeless goes back to the founding days of our community in France: "I thank you for the two chemises.  You wouldn't believe how glad I was to have them for my two poor little girls.  I have another child still who came almost without clothing….I have given her

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Remembering Sister Catherine Owens (1921-2023)

Sister Catherine Owens was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, on February 13, 1921, to Patrick Owens and Catherine (McCarthy) Owens. She entered the convent in 1938, seeking to answer the call to serve God more faithfully. She earned a BA from Emmanuel College, and an MA from both Boston University and St. Mary’s College, Indiana, in

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Sister Catherine (Michael Mary) O’Brien

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me to spread the good word.”-Luke 4: 18-19Catherine says “That’s what my life has been about.” “Await everything from the good God and have endless confidence in him.”-St. Julie BilliartCatherine says “My mother used to say ‘All good will come to those who wait.’” Sister Catherine grew up

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Sister Maureen O’Brien

As a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 60 years, Sister Maureen has had the privilege of witnessing to Notre Dame’s mission in the United States, Japan, Italy, the Philippines and shorter periods in Haiti and as a member of an educational team in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And for this, she is

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Sister Pat

Sister Patricia O’Brien

I was born in Lowell, Massachusetts and am the first born of six children with four brothers and one sister. I lived for ten years in Lowell, then my family moved to western Massachusetts. I came “back east” for college and attended Wellesley College. I was actively involved in campus ministry during my college years

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Remembering Sister Kathleen (Mary Terrence) O’Brien (1942 – 2024)

Sister Kathleen O'Brien entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1960, taking the name Sister Mary Terrence. She served in many ways, including as site director for the Notre Dame Mission Volunteers AmeriCorps. On the occasion of her 60th Jubilee as an SNDdeN in 2020, Sister Kathleen wrote the following reflection: "I first

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Sister Marylyn O’Connor (1945 – 2022)

Sister Marylyn (Catherine Thomas) O'Connor was born in Springfield, Mass., the daughter of Thomas and Catherine (Patterson) O’Connor. She was a graduate of Sacred Heart High School in Springfield and Emmanuel College in Boston. Sister Marylyn went home to her good God on November 15, 2022, after 58 years as a Sister of Notre Dame

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Remembering Sister Patricia O’Donnell (1936-2023)

Sister Patricia O'Donnell was born in Salem, Massachusetts, on June 18, 1936, to George P. O'Donnell and Theresa (Durkin) O'Donnell. After graduating from Salem High School, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on September 7, 1956. She took her first vows on July 30, 1959, and final vows on July 30, 1964.

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Sister Mary (Ellen St. Michael) O’Malley

Sister Mary O’Malley was born in Natick, Mass., to parents  Michael and Ellen (Norton) O’Malley. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the religious name Sister Ellen St. Michael. She took her first vows in 1953 and final vows in 1958. She later transferred to the Sisters' California Province. She

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Sr. Sheila Palmer

Sister Sheila Palmer entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956. Sister is retired from full-time ministry and volunteers at Services for the Blind.  

Sister Joan (Marie Angele) Panella (1940-2018)

Joan Panella, SNDdeN, was a native of San Francisco who entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1958, and took the name Sister Marie Angele. She taught in Notre Dame elementary schools in Salinas (Sacred Heart and Madonna del Sasso), Campbell, Folsom and at Notre Dame High School, Alameda. After receiving a Master’s of Social Work

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Remembering Sister Catherine Panetta (1926 – 2023)

In 1926, Mary Panetta was welcomed to her family home in Dorchester, Massachusetts, as the first girl after five boys. A year later, her sister Catherine was born and became the last of the seven children and a special friend to her.  She joined the religious community after graduating in 1943 from the Sisters of

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Sister Dolores Marie Pardini (1938 – 2012)

Born June 11, 1938, Sister Dolores died on January 28 at St. Columbkille Convent in Los Angeles, lovingly cared for by family members and her Notre Dame community. During her last few weeks she received many visitors. Steady streams of young and old came to thank her for "saving their lives."  Sister Dolores is the

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Sister Agnes (Agnes Julie) Pashby (1932-2022)

Sister Agnes Pashby went peacefully home to her good God on 29 September, 2022, at age 90 and after serving 72 years as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. She was born in Lynn, Mass., to parents John and Rebecca (Sullivan) Pashby. After graduating from St. Mary's High School, she entered the Sisters of

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Sister Marilyn (Pauline Marie) Pechillo

"Better mistakes than paralysis." -St. Julie Billiart Marilyn grew up in Baltimore, Md. and in Stratford, Conn., and first met the Sisters of Notre Dame at Notre Dame High School in Bridgeport, Conn. She had been interested in religious life and was attracted to the SNDdeN charism. She entered after graduation in 1961. Sister Marilyn

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Sister Catherine (Agnes St. Jude) Pelletier (1923 – 2016)

Sister Catherine (Agnes St. Jude) Pelletier, a Sister of Notre Dame for 73 years, died peacefully at Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland, where she received kindness and care for the past three years. “She had a wonderful life!” said her youngest sister, Mary Ann Moore.  One of seven children born in Fresno to

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Sister Marie Catherine Pero

“In prayer you will find strength for the journey.” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Marie Pero was born on Labor Day in 1936. She was a middle child, between an older brother and a younger sister. She attended St. Joseph’s School in Sommerville, Massachusetts. She recalls that her family was of average means. Her father

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Sister Catherine (Catherine Johanna) Perroni

"The Lord will complete what He has done for me" -Psalm 138:8 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are sometimes called “The Smiling Sisters” and Sister Catherine Perroni surely fits that description! She smiles and laughs easily, often spontaneously rejoicing at the goodness of God and the wonders of creation. Sister Catherine’s parents, John

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Sister Catherine Perry (1932-2020)

Sister Catherine Perry passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester, on the 68th anniversary of taking her vows. Sister Catherine was born in Worcester on February 27, 1932, daughter of Mitchell F. and Catherine H. (Bruneau) Perry. She graduated from Ascension High School in Worcester and

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Sr. Jennifer Pierce

Sister Jennifer Pierce entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 2000   

Sister Jeannette Pierre-Louis

Sister Jeannette is a native of Haiti. For over 10 years, she served as the Executive Director of the Notre Dame Family Education Center and its annex, the Basic Education Center in Les Cayes, Haiti. “We saw a need to teach reading, writing, math and self-development skills to women and families as well as to

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Sr. Claire Pierz

Sister Claire Pierz entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956. She is now retired from full-time ministry, and is a volunteer driver for the Sisters.

Sister Mary Margaret (Immaculata Marie) Pignone

Mary Margaret grew up in a family with Irish wisdom that was totally loving and mutually supportive. She was the youngest of three children of Lawrence J. Pignone and Margaret McGlynn Pignone. Her oldest brother, Lawrence, is deceased while her brother Tom remains close to her. She is close to her seven nieces, nephews and

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Sister Rosalie (Mary Christopher) Pizzo

"Better mistakes than paralysis!” -St. Julie Billiart I am one of many Italians born and raised in San Jose, California. I attended Sacred Heart Elementary School, Notre Dame High School, San Jose, Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont and San Jose State University. I am the youngest of five siblings. My parents immigrated to the

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Sister ElizaBeth (Peter Marie) Plesche

This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you.-John 15:12 Twelve years of Catholic schooling in Salinas, Calif., left an impression on young ElizaBeth: “I was educated very well by the SNDdeN’s from first grade through high school." She knew she wanted to become a Sister, but first she wanted to see

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Sister Karen Pozniak - 2023

Sister Karen (Evelyn Marie) Pozniak

Karen Pozniak’s journey of faith began at Sunday school, memorizing Bible passages and songs at the Baptist church in Lynn, Massachusetts, the faith of her mother. When she was nine, her family moved to California, and several years later, she and her mother were baptized at St. Lucy Catholic Church in Campbell, California. Karen continued

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Sister Marie Ann Prefontaine

"Go on moment by moment for this is the surest way of doing God's will." -St. Julie Billiart "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Without me, you can do nothing." -John 15:5 Sister Marie was born and raised in Dorchester, Mass., with a younger sister and brother. She attended St. Brendan Elementary

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Sister Sandra (Edwin Marie) Price

Volunteering in high school with children with cerebral palsy led Sandy Price to consider a religious vocation. She remembers that, despite the excellent physical therapy the children received, she saw a tremendous need for spiritual values to sustain them through life. “I thought of religious life as a way of helping people realize their value

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Sister Carole (Mary Alma) Proctor

Although Carole’s father was opposed to religion, her mother was sure that that if her daughters went to Catholic schools, they would get a great education. Convinced by this argument, Mr. Proctor acquiesced and let Carole and her sister attend Notre Dame de Namur schools. After graduating from Notre Dame High School, Belmont, Carole enjoyed

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Sister Gwynette Proctor

“God is good … all the time and all the time … God is good.” Gwynette Proctor entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in August, 1980. On the occasion of her 40th Jubilee as a Sister, she wrote the following reflection in 2020: Born into the long-time Catholic culture of Southern Maryland, I

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Sister Francis Timothy Quinn

“How good is the good God.” – St. Julie Sister Francis Timothy Quinn first met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur as a student at Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. Immediately, she felt drawn to them. “The friendliness, the joy, and the caring that each Sister had for the students was just

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Sister Rita (Leo Marie) Raboin

I was born in Boston and raised in Cambridge, the sixth of 10 children; five girls and five boys. A girl and a boy died as infants. My third-generation French Canadian parents were raised in Central Massachusetts and my father was a roofer. Both parents worked very hard with so many children. My mother cared

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Sr. Frances (Margaret St. George) Randall (1932-2020)

Sister Frances Randall died on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester, at the age of 88. Sister Frances was born in Lowell, daughter of the late George and Margaret (Linnehan) Randall. She graduated from St. Patrick High School in Lowell, entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

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Sr. Susan Raymo

Sister Susan Raymo entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1964.  

Sister Mary Reardon

Sister Mary (John Coleman) Reardon was born and raised in Boston, the eldest of four children born to John and Barbara Reardon. As she recalls, "Our Catholic Faith and Irish heritage were both a significant part of the fabric of our lives growing up." When she was in the fifth grade, her parents enrolled her

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Sr. Ellen (Joan St. Ann) Reilly

"Our idea of God's goodness is never comprehensive enough. It must make our hearts as wide as the world." – St. Julie Billiart I was the youngest of five children, born to Patrick and Anna (Sheehan) Reilly. My mother died in childbirth with the sixth child so dad had five children under the age of

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Sister Rosemary Reynolds

“To those who love, nothing costs too much.” – St. Julie Billiart Sister Rosemary Reynolds grew up in the New Haven area. She comes from what she describes as a “large clan.” Her family was close and supportive, and very involved in the local parish. At an early age, they instilled in young Sister Rosemary

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Sister Anne Frances Rhilinger (1930-2021)

Sister Anne was born Mary Agnes Rhilinger in Boston, Mass. She was the daughter of Joseph P. and Ethel G. (Thomas) Rhilinger and graduated from St. Gregory High School in Dorchester, Mass. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1947. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a concentration in French

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Sister Rosa Dolores Rodriguez

Sister Rosa Dolores, the youngest of 13 children, grew up immersed in her Mexican culture. She played "Mexican revolution" with her siblings, nephews, and nieces. Her father Pedro Rodriguez was from Guanajuato, Mexico, and fought in that revolution at age 13. At 17, he was sentenced to death, but by the grace of God and

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Sister Marna (Margaret George) Rogers

Marna Rogers was born and raised in Worcester, Mass. She was the eldest of George and Margaret (Chandley) Rogers’s four children. She enjoyed the years when her family lived with her aunt and grandmother and Marna loved the area, saying “We had good neighbors from all walks of life and all parts of the world.”

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Sr. Patricia Rolinger

Sister Patricia Rolinger entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1967.   

Sr. Evelyn Ronan

Sister Evelyn Ronan entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956.   

Sister Jeanne (Anne Campion) Ronayne (1943-2020)

Sister Jeanne Ronayne, SNDdeN, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 60 years, went home to God on July 7, 2020, at St. Julie Billiart Residential Care in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Sister Jeanne was born Helen Anne Ronayne in Dorchester, Mass., one of five children of parents John and Helen (Haberland) Ronayne. She entered the

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Sister Nancy (Joseph Christopher) Rowen

Nancy Rowen was born and raised in Lynn, Massachusetts, where she was the second of Jo and Joe Rowen’s five children. She had three sisters and one brother and went to St. Joseph School, taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph, from first to eighth grade. In the sixth grade, a missionary priest came to

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Sr. Rosemarie Ryan (1939-2020)

Sister Rosemarie Ryan, 89, died Monday, October 12, 2020, at the Notre Dame Care Center in Worcester, MA. Sister Rosemarie was born in Cambridge, Mass. to John P. and Mary F. (Megan) Ryan on January 25, 1931. After graduating from St. Mary's High School in Cambridge, she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

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Sister Theresa (Theresa Joseph) Ryder

“How Good is the good God!” -St Julie Billiart Sister Theresa was born and raised in Lynn, Massachusetts and was educated by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur through high school. Her parents, John and Beatrice, both immigrated from Ireland, and she was one of six siblings—all girls except for the youngest. Described by both

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Sister Roberta

Sister Roberta (Jude Stephen) Rzeznik

"Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with God." Micah 6:8 Sister Roberta was born in Massachusetts but spent her elementary school years in her father’s hometown of Shenandoah, Pa. She was an only child until age 10 when she welcomed a baby sister. Roberta came from a loving family that enjoyed doing activities together. Her

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Sister Caroline (Francis Xavier) Sanchez

Growing up in the St. Columbkille Parish (Los Angeles, California), Caroline knew the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at an early age. In fact her mother served as an unofficial "chauffeur” to the Sisters in those early days when Sisters weren’t permitted to drive. Interested in vocations throughout her teen years, in her junior year of

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Remembering Sister Marie St. Joseph Santry (1931 – 2023)

Sister Marie St. Joseph Santry was born on March 19, 1931, as Mary E. Santry in Lynn, MA, to parents Thomas and Annie (Egan) Santry. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the name Marie St. Joseph. She took her first vows in 1953 and perpetual vows in 1958. Sister Marie

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Sister Ginny

Sister Virginia (Agnes Raphael) Scally

Sister Ginny Scally was first drawn to religious life by two factors: the witness of her own mother’s deep faith and her experiences while in high school Sodality. Here, she was exposed to the practices of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Both of these realities have guided her through the many turns her life has taken

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Sister Margaret "Shawn" (Agnes Shawn) Scanlan

Sister Margaret "Shawn" entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on August 14, 1955, initially taking the name Sister Agnes Shawn. She currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2015, on the occasion of her 60th Jubilee as a Sister, she wrote the following reflection: "Jubilee gives me the opportunity to reflect on three aims

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Sister Louann Sciubba

Louann Sciubba entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in August, 1958. She currently lives in Catonsville, Md. On the occasion of her 60th Jubilee as a Sister, she wrote the following reflection in 2018: "When St. Therese of Lisieux read … “in the book of life I will teach you the science of

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Sister Janelle Sevier

"For from [the Word’s] fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." John 1:16 I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, one of four children. My mother and father met in the Navy, where they were pharmacist mates. My father was from Baton Rouge and my mother from New Bedford, Massachusetts. As a result we

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Remembering Sister Catherine Timothy Shanahan (1934 – 2023)

Sister Catherine Timothy Shanahan, SNDdeN and her twin brother, Paul, were born in their family home in Glenolden, Pennsylvania, where they lived until the age of three when the family moved to Norwood, Pennsylvania. Sister Catherine lived there until she entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at Ilchester, Maryland, on August 12, 1951.

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Sister Dianne (Mary Kenneth) Shaw

“Teach all that is necessary for life.” -St. Julie Billiart I am the older of two children born in Lawrence, MA to Beatrice (Jeffrey) and Kenneth T. Shaw, with my brother, Ken being five years younger. Both of my parents were born in the U.S. while my maternal grandparents were immigrants from England. My dad’s

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Sister Patricia Shea

Sister Patricia Shea entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 2003.   

Sister Michela Sheehan

One of 13 children, Michela’s early years were spent in the small lumber town of Eureka, California. She remembers a childhood where the kids played outside a lot and sometimes snitched rhubarb from a neighbor’s yard. When her parents decided that they wanted their children to get a Catholic education, the family moved to San

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Sister Virginia Sheehan

Sister Virginia Sheehan entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1957. She serves as Spiritual and Retreat Director, and in parish programs.  

Sr. Nancy Simonds

Sister Nancy Simonds entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1957.   

Sister Helen St. Thomas Singleton (1928 – 2022)

Sister Helen Singleton was named Jean by her parents, John and Helen (Walsh) Singleton. She and her five siblings were supported by her father’s work as a chauffeur. Educated by SNDdeN at St. Mary’s School in Beverly, Massachusetts, she entered the Congregation in 1947. She never considered a life other than that of a Sister

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Sister Sharon Skain

Remembering Sister Sharon Ann (Mary Fidelis) Skain (1937-2024)

“Thanks to my grandparents who immigrated from Ireland,” said Sister Sharon Skain, “I was born in The City by the Bay, San Francisco, a town of diverse cultures. That diversity shaped my life.” She remembered that during World War II her parents kept a place at the table for military men her Dad would bring

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Sister Marilyn (Maureen) Smith

While in high school, Marilyn firmly declared to friends that under no circumstances would she ever enter the convent, but a series of events helped her remember a thought from her 3rd grade teacher — “To be happy, just follow God’s will.” This became a lifelong theme for her. From her first assignment at Notre

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Sr. Jean Stanford

Sister Jean Stanford entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1968.   

Sister Dolores (Joseph) Steiner (1928-2019)

"God is good, always." These words of St. Julie, foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, struck a spark in the heart of fourteen-year-old Dolores Steiner. She first heard them at Moreland Notre Dame Boarding School in Watsonville, California. Dolores, or Dodi as she is called, and her older sister, Margie, left her

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Sister Anne Stevenson - SNDdeN

Sr. Anne (Anne St. Hugh) Stevenson

Sister Anne Stevenson, SNDdeN was the fourth of six daughters in a tight-knit Irish-American family in Newton, Massachusetts. Her mother passed away unexpectedly while Sister Anne was still young and “the six Stevenson girls,” as they were lovingly known, became inseparable, leaning on each other and their Dad for support during this challenging time.   The

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Sister Jean (Mary Jean) Stoner

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.– Philippians 1:3-4 By the time Jean Stoner was a junior at Notre Dame High School, Alameda, she knew she wanted to be a Sister—specifically a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur. This decision

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Sr. Dorothy Strelchun

Sister Dorothy Strelchun entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1958.   

Sister Ann (Frances Ann) Stubbe (1929 – 2019)

With her joyful, enthusiastic outlook, her warmth and her frequently expressed gratitude for all the blessings in her life, it is no wonder that people responded so positively to Sister Ann. Born on the eve of the Great Depression, Ann grew up in Marysville, where she attended the second Notre Dame school founded in California

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Sister Jon Julie Sullivan (1940 – 2022)

Sister Jon Julie Sullivan went peacefully home to her good God on August 10, 2022, at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston after suffering a stroke. She was 82 and had been a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 64 years. She was born Eleanor Janice Sullivan in 1940 in Cambridge to parents John

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Sister Jeanne (Marguerite) Sullivan

Sister Jeanne (Marguerite) Sullivan loves the rich variety of her more than 60 years as a Sister of Notre Dame. Some words of Pope Francis suddenly provided a unifying link for the surprising turns of her life. He wrote, “We are called to form consciences, not to replace them.” This total respect for others along

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Sr. Joanne Sullivan

Sister Joanne was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, to parents John and Ann (Sleison) Sullivan. She has one brother. She graduated from Notre Dame Academy Tyngsboro in 1968 and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1970. Sister Joanne earned a degree in English and education from Salem State University and a master's degree

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Sr. Paula Tak

The idea of ministry and service was always part of Paula’s experience: her father was a Salvation Army officer in South Korea, and one of her sisters followed in his footsteps. Serving as a Catholic Sister, though, was definitely not anything she ever imagined! Paula’s visit to a convent with her nursing school roommate sparked

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Sister Barbara (Andrea) Thiella

Sister Barbara Thiella has a commanding presence, a sharp mind, a heart full of compassion and, as one homeless man noticed, “a kind look in her eyes.” These attributes have stood her well during her years working in formal education—as a teacher, administrator, campus minister—and while serving the Sisters and the church in leadership roles.

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Sister Julie Marie Thorpe

Julie Marie, SNDdeN, attended high school at Notre Dame High School in Belmont, Calif. After high school, she enrolled in San Jose State University where she thoroughly enjoyed college life! The idea of becoming a Sister was something Sister Julie would consider and then ignore. However, the "Sister idea" never went away. After she graduated

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Sister Lorraine Tiani - SNDdeN

Sister Lorraine Tiani, SNDdeN

Sister Lorraine Tiani, SNDdeN was born and raised in New Canaan, Connecticut, where she grew up in a large extended Italian family that nurtured her values of service and community. She first met the Sisters of Notre Dame at age six when her parents enrolled her in St. Aloysius School, followed by Central Catholic High

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Sister Liz (Elisabeth Marie) Tiernan

Sister Elisabeth Tiernan grew up in a lively Irish Catholic family of seven children, whose dinner conversations often took the form of debate on political questions of the day, with her father acting as referee. Thus began a lifelong interest for Liz in politics as essential to the moral life of Christians. Growing up a

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Sister Paula (Louise St. Jude) Tinlin

Sister Paula Tinlin, SNDdeN, grew up in South Boston, and was the youngest of seven children. Her family was a member of St. Augustine Parish. The Parish had a parochial school staffed by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. However, the school was full and so Sister Paula and her siblings attended public school. She

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Sr. Patricia Toce

Sister Patricia Toce entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 2002. She is currently on the faculty of Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, MA.   

Sr. Maureen Toomey

Sister Maureen Toomey entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1956.  She currently serves as pastoral associate in a parish.  

Sr. Marie (Josepha Therese) Treanor (1922-2020)

We remember with gratitude the life of Sister Marie Treanor who died on May 28, 2020 at 97 years of age and 79 years as a Sister. Sr. Marie lived Sr. Julie's charism as an educator throughout her sixty-two years of active ministry in places across the country. Sister Marie was born on November 14,

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Sister Patricia Tryon (1943-2020)

Let us gratefully remember the life of our Sister Patricia Tryon who died on May 15, 2020 in Worcester, Massachusetts. On her Golden Jubilee in Notre Dame, Pat wrote: "Little did I know that when I completed my B.A. in Math at the University of Connecticut, left my home in Ossining, NY, and took a

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Sr. Bernadette Turgeon

Sr. Bernadette Turgeon has been a Sister of Notre Dame for 62 years. She entered the SNDs in Waltham from Beverly and Andover, Massachusetts. Her first ministry was as a primary grade teacher in Massachusetts… After 14 years, she moved to New Hampshire and began her ministry as a Director of Religious Education and Youth

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Sister Nancy Uhl

An Ohio native, Nancy moved to California and settled in Los Angeles in 1974. She worked for a non-profit free clinic where she served as controller and grant writer to help clients receive healthcare. She also met Chuck Sheehan, a striking air-traffic controller, married him in 1982, and together, raised a daughter, Sarah Sheehan. After

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Sister Virginia Ann Unger

"I want what they have! I want to do what they do!" thought eight-year-old Virginia as she got to know the Dominican Sisters who taught her at school in Chicago. “Of course,” she says now, “I had no idea what that was, but something about them just captured my little heart in the 3rd grade.”

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Sr. Mary Jean Verbicky (1938-2020)

Sister Mary Jean Verbicky died Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at the Notre Dame Long Term Care Center, Worcester, at the age of 82. Sister Mary Jean was born Eleanor Jean in Lawrence, daughter of John and Emily (Suda) Verbicky and graduated in 1955 from St. Mary's High School in Lawrence. She graduated in 1963 from

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Sr. Marie Verrilli

Sister Marie Verrilli, SNDdeN has dedicated 60 years to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Growing up in Bridgeport, Connecticut, she was born to William and Florence Verrilli. Typical of many Italian families of the day, she lived not only with her parents and brother Bill, but also her mother’s parents, mother’s brother and

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Sister Catherine (Andrew Marie) Waldron

From an early age, teachers encouraged Catherine Waldron, SNDdeN, to join religious life.  Sister Catherine's parents were devout Catholics with an active spiritual practice. When her father’s work brought the family to San Jose, CA, they found the Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Mary Elementary School and Notre Dame High School. As a family, they

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Sister Cecilia Wallace (1931 – 2022)

We remember with gratitude the life of Sister Cecilia Wallace who was a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 73 years. Sister Cecilia went home to her good God on October 23, 2022, at the age of 91. Mary Cecilia Wallace entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at Saratoga, California, following graduation

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Sister Gillian Wallace

Sister Gillian is a graduate of Notre Dame High School, Belmont and UC Berkeley. She earned her Ph.D. in anthropology at Cambridge University in England, and has been a member of the faculty at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California. On August 19, 2018, Gillian Wallace was accepted as a canonical novice into

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Sister Mary Louise (Shawn Maria) Walsh

“…To act justly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8 Born in Worchester, Mass, into an Irish Catholic family, Mary Lou had three older brothers. Her mother chose a Notre Dame school for her children because she heard that they had the best teachers and Mary Lou fondly remembers the wonderful

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Remembering Sister Kathleen Walsh (1949 – 2023)

Sister Kathleen Walsh was born in Natick, Massachusetts, in 1949, to Joseph and Virginia (Fair) Walsh. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1974. She took her final vows on August 11, 1984. Sr. Kathleen was born in Natick to parents, Joseph and Virginia (Fair) Walsh.  Sister Kathleen earned her BS in

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Sister Judith (Sean Marguerite) Ward

“Always act to the best of your ability and leave the rest to our good God.” -St. Julie Billiart Born in a town outside of Boston, Judith was the youngest of three children. Throughout her early years she had many interactions with Sisters of different orders. She was educated in the parish Catholic school staffed

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Sister Janice (Margaret Cornelia) Waters

Janice Waters was born in West Newton, Massachusetts to Harold and Elizabeth (Uniacke) Waters. She was the only child until her mother went “on vacation” and came back with Janice’s brother Barry. Another brief vacation for her mother brought Janice’s sister Marcia to their home. While her mother was away on yet another vacation, Janice’s

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Sister Margaret (Mary Bartholomew) Welch (1934-2021)

Sister Margaret was born Margaret Mary Welch in 1934 in Waltham, Mass., to parents Bartholomew M. Welch and Mary (Slauenwhite) Welch of Waltham. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on August 1, 1951, taking her First Vows in 1954 and her Perpetual Vows in 1959. Sister Margaret earned a BA from Emmanuel

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Sister James Madeline Whalen (1937-2021)

Sister James Madeline was born Dolores L. Whalen in Lawrence, Maine in 1937, to Madeline (Hamelin) Whalen and James Whalen. Early on in Dolores' life, she had a calling to serve others. After she graduated from Keith Hall High School in Lowell, Mass. in 1955, Dolores entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She

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Sister Regina (Mary Richard) Whalen

Sister Regina Whalen was born in Dorchester, Mass., one of five children of parents Richard and Mary (Sheehan) Whalen. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1950, taking the name Sister Mary Richard. Sister Regina earned a bachelor's degree in history and English from Emmanuel College, a master's of education degree in

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Sister Charlotte Francis Wickes (1932-2021)

"How good is the Good God!" -St Julie Billiart Sister Charlotte Francis Wickes was born Mary Frances Wickes in Somerville, Massachusetts to parents, Francis and Charlotte (Devereux) Wickes. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur on August 4, 1949, making her First Vows in 1952 and Final Vows in 1957. She graduated from

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