Sr. Kathleen Gallivan

Sister Kathleen Gallivan- SNDdeN

Sister Kathleen grew up in a Catholic neighborhood and attended Notre Dame schools for 12 years before entering the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1964. Sister Kathleen has been engaged in a variety of ministries over the years. Her graduate studies include a Master of Divinity degree and a doctoral degree in Pastoral Psychology.

Some of her most meaningful and personally transformative ministries include working in South Africa in the early 1980's with communities of women religious, serving as Director of Formation for the Boston Province, coordinating the International Final Vow Program and the Pastoral Ministry Program in Nigeria.

Sister Kathleen is the Director of Chaplaincy Services at Brigham and Women's/Faulkner Hospitals, a large academic medical center in Boston.

In this position, she leads a staff of interfaith chaplains and prepares the next generation of professional chaplains in the Clinical Pastoral Education program. Sr. Kathleen and her staff minister to 800 plus patients and their families as well as 12,000 plus employees. This ministry is deeply challenging and exciting for her and continues to stretch her mind and heart in reaching out to the wider community.