Louann Sciubba entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in August, 1958. She currently lives in Catonsville, Md. On the occasion of her 60th Jubilee as a Sister, she wrote the following reflection in 2018:
"When St. Therese of Lisieux read … “in the book of life I will teach you the science of love” she felt that the Lord’s words were for her. I am having similar thoughts at this Jubilee time. I am remembering with gratitude persons and experiences that led me to become a Sister. Good memories flow from ministry days—teaching junior high, parish religious education work, and pastoral counseling studies and practice.
"In the current chapter of my life I am most grateful for my life in community with Sisters Rose and Joyce and our caring for one another—experiencing the science of love in 3D you could say! I’ve enjoyed personal time to read, connect with friends from past ministries, take art classes and display paintings. I’ve developed my culinary skills and my community has been very pleased with the results.
"The Internet has expanded our ability to participate in, support and celebrate our SNDdeN lives and works across the U.S. and internationally. This provides an amazing vision. Our two foundresses could never have imagined religious life as it is today. In 1958 I couldn’t have either. But here we are, about 100 Jubilarians worldwide celebrating the Spirit of the Lord making all things new in us and among us."