Sponsorship Office – Events, Registrations & Meetings

If you are interested in attending and have questions about registration, please contact the Sponsorship Office at ewsponsorship@ewsndden.org

Sponsorship date img PIM oct - aprilPartnering in Mission
New Faculty/Staff Mission Orientation
Zoom Sessions | First Mondays of the Month
Oct. 7, 2024, Nov. 4, 2024, Dec. 2, 2024, Feb. 3, 2025, Mar. 3, 2025, Apr. 7, 2025
Can Attend Early or Late Session (same material presented at both)
Eastern: 3:45 & 6:15 pm | Pacific: 12:45 & 3:15 pm

An orientation program welcoming new teachers and staff into the network of
Notre Dame de Namur sponsored ministries and schools. Participants receive a certificate at completion of the
program. Download this flyer for more information.
Sponsorship Register Button
Early Session

Sponsorship Register Button
Late Session
Sponsorship date img jan 23 2025West Coast SNDdeN Educators Symposium
Taube Center at NDNU | Jan. 23, 2025 | 4 to 6 pm

Save the date for this dynamic program co-sponsored with
Notre Dame de Namur University for a second year. This program is offered to faculty and
staff from all Notre Dame de Namur learning communities.

As Notre Dame Learning Communities, we act on behalf of justice, peace and care
for all creation (Hallmark #3). At a time when immigrant communities face increasing
uncertainty, how do we create school communities that welcome, support, and advocate
for immigrant students and families? Experts will provide essential insights into current
immigration policies, their impact on families, and concrete ways to offer support.
Feb 24-27, 2025 West Coast Hallmarks RetreatWest Coast Hallmarks Retreat
Villa Angelica, Carmel, CA | February 24-27, 2025 | Save the Date

The Hallmark Retreat gathers colleagues from our five SNDdeN California
learning communities. It offers an opportunity to deepen understanding of the
Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Learning Community that are integral to the mission
of each school. The retreat invites helpful dialog and sharing of ideas that
can enrich participants and each learning community.

See your administrator or campus minister before registering.
Sponsorship date img march 14 2024East Coast SNDdeN Educators Symposium
Notre Dame Cristo Rey HS & Time TBD | March 14, 2025

Save the date for this dynamic program being offered to faculty and staff from all
Notre Dame de Namur learning communities.
Sponsorship date img april 10-11 2025East Coast Hallmarks Retreat
Spirituality Center, Ipswich, MA | April 10-11, 2025 | Save the Date

Faculty and staff of Notre Dame de Namur schools during the first several years
of their tenure are encouraged to attend this retreat to deepen their understanding
of the 7 Hallmarks & connect with colleagues across the network.
Sponsorship date img june 6-7 2024East Coast Healing the Healers Retreat
Spirituality Center, Ipswich, MA | June 6-7, 2025 | Save the date

Any staff members from the Notre Dame de Namur health care facilities are
encouraged to attend this day-long retreat for rest, reflection, and socializing
with fellow staff from Notre Dame de Namur health care facilities throughout
New England. Opportunities to learn more about the spirituality of the Sisters,
and optional meditative walks, gardening, yoga, and art. Option to spend the
night at the retreat center for those who would like.
June 23-26, 2025 Student Leadership ConferenceSNDdeN Student Leadership Conference
Emmanuel College, Boston, MA | June 24-27, 2025 | Save the date

This student leadership conference is an excellent opportunity for your students to
interact with students from their school and students from other Notre Dame Learning Communities.

Sharing in the SNDdeNs' mission and learning about the Hallmarks will allow them to
understand that they are all part of something bigger than themselves. Activities
and programming will be designed for students involved in leadership roles
at your school who may have untapped leadership potential and/or are difference-makers.

School Leader Meetings

Individual Meetings

3:30 pm ET / 12:30 pm PT

12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT

Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thursday, June 5, 2025

Combined Meetings

12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT

Monday, April 7, 2025

Quarterly Board Chair & Vice Chair Meetings

All meetings are held at 6:30 pm ET/3:30 pm PT.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025