The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, U.S. East-West Province Leadership Team has issued the following statement in response to recent shootings:
(May 25, 2022) The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur East-West Province send our prayers to the victims of the tragic killing of school children and teachers at Robb Elementary.
These recurring acts of gun violence, racism and hatred have our hearts heavy with grief.
We mourn with the families and the community of Uvalde, Texas. Yet, words of sympathy are not enough.
We must call for action!
Our Constitutions recognize the call of God, in a growing consciousness throughout the world, of the dignity and value of each person, race and nation, and how society in its values, structures and systems denies this dignity. We work with others to create new ways of relating that enable all to experience more fully the goodness of God.
We encourage you to contact your government officials at every level and demand that they address gun reforms and access to mental-health services, and take a firm stand against white supremacy and condemn racism in all its forms.
We plead with all who identify as 'pro-life' to address these issues, as well, and work together to build a more just society.
Let us practice love for all our sisters and brothers and put an end to this suffering.